Ch. 16 Like all the other girls...

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"Naina..." Aryan spoke gently, making her turn and scream seconds later. 

She stood up abruptly. "I am hallucinating, aren't I? This is not my best friend, is it Aryan?" She asked, tears in her eyes. Aditi rushed to her and engulfed her in a warm hug. "You are not hallucinating darling. It is your best friend." Aditi assured her, rubbing her back. 

"Oh, Adi! I missed you so much! I was literally thinking about you the whole time. Oh, God! I wish I could hug you back!" Naina pulled apart, and Aryan took a tissue out and dabbed it on her tears gently, feeling a bit emotional himself. She thanked him. 

"I missed you too, Naina. And you too Aryan." Aditi responded, taking a tissue from him too. The only male amongst them grinned and pulled the girls into an embrace before kissing Naina's head in a brotherly fashion to comfort her. "Don't make me emotional as well." He said dramatically enough to make both girls roll their eyes. When they settled down, Aditi gazed at her best friend's appearance and nodded approvingly. 

"You look gorgeous, Naina!" Naina's lips turned upwards at the compliment. "By the way, do you have any food? I am starving!" Adi exclaimed all of a sudden, prompting both Naina and Aryan to chuckle. 

"I will go and get some food for all of us." Aryan offered, leaving them alone. A moment of silence ensued, neither of the girls speaking anything. Aditi crossed a few plants and sat on the bench that Naina was sitting a few moments ago. The latter decided to join her as well, and they both stayed like that for a while. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"So, where is the groom?" 

They both asked each other at the same time, breaking the silence. The girls first stilled and then burst into a fit of giggles. 

"I am so sorry." Naina apologised after they calmed down. "So, what was it that you asked me?" 

"Where is the groom?" 

Naina shrugged in response. "I don't know. He must be somewhere with his family." 

"You really don't care, do you?" Aditi asked rhetorically, but her best friend answered anyway, "No. I really don't." 

"But you are still going to spend the rest of your life with him?" 

"Unfortunately." She sighed, glancing at a small bird that perched itself on a tree a few metres away from them. It chirped calmly a couple of times, earning a few replies back. After a while, another bird of the same species joined it and softly nuzzled its head against the former's, clearly seeking comfort. 

Aditi's sight too caught the birds, and a smile formed on her face as she saw them. "Maybe you should try to know him first and work this marriage out." Naina snapped her eyes towards her and looked at her questioningly. Aditi inhaled sharply before saying, "Maybe you both will fall in love one day and earn the title of 'Love Birds', just like those birds over there. Look at them, happily in love.  You and your husband can be like that, Naina." 

"I don't think so." Naina said, shaking her head. 

"Why not?" 

"Him and I are from two different worlds. We can never like each other." 

"Okay, fine. You can believe that, but answer me: do you find him attractive?" Aditi questioned, this time completely watching Naina to see her reaction. First, Naina blushed, thinking about how handsome Abhimanyu actually was. He was probably the most beautiful man she had ever seen, not that she was ever going to admit that. So, stubbornly, she shook her head. "Arey Naina! Kam se kam jhoot toh mat bola karo!" 

(Naina, at least don't lie!) 

The bride-to-be's cheeks coloured even more at being caught. "Okay, fine! He looks more decent than some guys." 

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