Ch. 10 Ananya or Naina?

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Abhimanyu's POV

"WHAT?!" My mother exclaimed and I just stood there, frozen. Marriage? But why when I am so young? I looked up to see Dad who had straight face as he answered Maa. "He is 25 now and we got married around the same age as well." 

"Okay but what do you mean by you found a girl? It's not Ananya is it?" Maa said, fury in her eyes. Eww...Ananya? Did she really want me to get married to a girl like her? I saw everyone watching my parents arguing. Rishabh was smirking at me, as if asking 'Marriage and you?' Preeti and Aria were standing in the corner silently and Dadi was busy thinking something as she frowned. Bua, on the other hand, was sitting down, listening to everything calmly. 

"No, its not." Dad replied, not meeting his wife's eyes. 


"Shalini, just because you promised your friend that you will get her daughter married to our son, doesn't mean she is made for Abhimanyu." 

My mother huffed and crossed her arms, raising her left eyebrow. "Oh really?" She questioned sarcastically. "Then who is made for our son, huh?" 

"My best friend's daughter." 

His best friend's daughter? When did he have any friends? And why wasn't I ever told about this?

"What best friend?" Maa asked, baffled this time. Well...if she didn't know, then I surely won't know. 

Dadi cleared her throat suddenly. "Do you mean Deepak?" My father nodded slowly, glancing at his wife to see her reaction. There was realisation on her face and she detangled her arms. "Is he that guy to came to our wedding? Isn't he from Delhi?" 

"He is." 

Hmm...who was this guy that my parents were talking about and why did dad want me to marry his daughter? 

"Isn't he from a middle class family?" 

"So what?" 

"So what? Sanjay? I will tell you what! Ananya is a better choice for my son." She yelled. 

"Your son? He is my son too, Shalini. And how is that girl better for our Abhi?" He was screaming out his lungs now too and Bua immediately told both of them to calm down and they sat facing each other. She ordered Rishabh, Aria and Preeti to leave as well which caused Rishabh to whine straightaway. 

"But, mom..." He pouted. "This is fun. Can I stay?" He tried to show his puppy eyes to her but Bua gave him a stern look, making him leave along with the others. Once they left, my mother opened her mouth once again. "I have told you so many times Sanjay that I want Abhi to marry Ananya." 

So many times? How many times have they talked about my marriage? 

"And I have told you so many times that she is not the one for him." 

"Then who is? Your 'best friend's' daughter." She did speech marks with her fingers. 


"I don't think--" Maa was cut off by Dadi. "I thought you weren't friends with Deepak anymore, then how is he your best friend today?" 

Now, that is a valid question. 

My father took a deep breath in. "I met him and his family a few days back. I found his daughter really nice for our Abhi." 

Really nice? What did he mean by that? How was she good for me? 

"You met him in Delhi?" Dadi spoke. He nodded. "Do you have a picture of her?" 

"Maa..." My mother started but my grandmother held her hand up to quieten her. 

"Hmm...she is beautiful and looks better than Ananya I must say." She observed, taking her son's phone and gazing at the screen. 

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