Ch. 21 Mumbai

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Naina was told that her husband was upstairs in his office, so she climbed the stairs, leading to her heart's destination: her husband.

The door was ajar. Pushing it further, her sight was met with her husband's sexy back. He was dressed in his casuals, and she couldn't help but think that he was as hot as a good summer's day.

"Abhimanyu." She called out, a small smile gracing her face.

Her husband turned on his heel, widened his eyes comically, and then shook his head, focusing on his work again.

Her brows knitted in confusion. She took a few steps towards him when she saw him look up and then sighed exasperatedly. He rubbed his face tiredly.

"Abhimanyu." Naina repeated, absolutely perplexed at what was going on. Why was her husband not talking to her? Did he not recognise her?

"Go away!" He muttered, widening Naina's eyes.

"Did you hit your head or something? Why are behaving this way?" She asked, confused beyond measure. She waved her hand in front of him as he continued to stare ahead, lot. But he pushed her hand away. "I know you are not real." Abhi stated, astonishing her.


"I know you are not real. I know this is just a dream."

Her eyes softened. "You dream about me?"

"Sometimes." He frowned. "But you always disappear. I wonder when you are going to come back, Naina. It's been months."

Naina grinned, her eyes hinting amusement. He dreamed about her? But why?

"I am back, Abhimanyu."

"No, you are not." He muttered, still thinking that he was hallucinating.

"And, how do you know that?"

"You always wear this white anarkali whenever I see you in my dreams."

Naina bit on her lip, wondering how she was going to convince him that this was not a dream. "Abhimanyu..." She said when someone knocked on their door.

"Naina...Abhimanyu, please open the door." Came Tanisha Dadi's voice, bringing her to her senses as she moved rapidly to open the door. There stood Abhimanyu's grandmother with a large grin as she entered the room. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything." The matriarch eyed them suggestively, hiding a smirk behind her stern face.

"N-no. Of course not, Dadi." Naina quickly answered.

"Well, come downstairs. We are all about to have our lunch." The elder woman informed them, patting Naina's cheek and then Abhimanyu's. "Stay together like this. Forever." She whispered.  "Come quickly, otherwise I will send Aria to get you both." Saying that, she left. 

Abhimanyu, still in shock that his wife was really his wife, turned to her. "You are real?"

Naina giggled at his bewilderment and nodded. "Why, do you still find it hard to believe?"

"I...yes...I mean, I didn't expect you to be here today. Oh my God! How are you? Is your father okay? What about your mother?" He questioned, his tone laced with curiosity.

"Yes. Everything and everyone is fine, Abhimanyu. And, thank you so much. You helped me a lot financially by paying for his treatment and took care of our necessities. I am indebted to you for a lifetime."

"Please, don't say that. I have not done a favour. They are like my parents too, Naina."


Butterflies swarmed in her belly when she heard him say her name. Of course, it was not the first time, but today, it felt different. Entirely different. His voice had a soft edge to it as he took her name as delicately as he could. 

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