Ch. 15 Mehndi

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When she had heard of the date of her marriage, Naina then, hadn't understood how to react to it, just passing an awkward and a sad smile towards her parents, confirming to them that the date was fine for her. Her father agreed to it as well, informing her in-laws that it was perfect. Consequently, the preparations were on full swing, with her parents wanting to marry their daughter in the best possible way. Although the Khurranas were kind enough to take on all the expenses from both their side and hers, her parents didn't oblige to it, insisting that they wanted to pay as much as they could. However, the money had been tight, of course, with the Aroras not even being able to afford Deepak's treatment, which relented them into obliging with the groom's family. 

Today was her Mehndi, with both families opting to have it on the same day: a day before her wedding. Clad in a simple green and blue lehenga, she slipped on her earrings and other jewellery items before looking into the mirror at her reflection. She smiled, satisfied with her appearance. This morning's Mehndi ceremony was to take place at the Khurrana house in Delhi, and the Sangeet was in the evening in a different venue. Tomorrow's Haldi was going to happen at their respective households: hers being at  her home, and Abhimanyu's at his house. And then the wedding was to take place at the same venue as the Sangeet. 

The door to her room opened, and she saw the sight of her mother appear through the mirror, prompting her to face her. "How do I look?" 

"Like a dream." Her mother answered and then ran one of her fingers in the corner of her Kohl-filled eyes and put a dot of it behind Naina's ear. "I hope no evil eye catches you." Then she added, "You look so beautiful now, and I just wonder how beautiful you will look tomorrow in your wedding outfit; I will probably have to put so many kohl dots on you!" By the end of her words, Swetha choked, as her eyes filled with tears. 

"Mumma, save the waterworks for tomorrow!" Naina exclaimed, handing her mother a tissue to wipe her tears. 

"You will really be going away..." She stated, cupping her daughter's face and kissing her forehead. "And I am going to miss you so much." 

"Maa, you talk as if I will be going away forever." Naina whined, not wanting another sad moment in her life. She had had enough, but then again, try explaining that to her mother, which will only result in her crying out more. 

"But it is like that." Swetha said, throwing the tissue away in a bin. She took her hand and they both sat in a car to go to the Khurrana's house for the mehndi function. Deepak was already waiting for them outside and smiled when he saw his daughter. "You look beautiful." He muttered, taking her hand and walking into the house with her. They were welcomed by the Khurranas with the matriarch praising Naina for her appearance. 

As they entered to see the whole house decorated for the ritual, Naina was in awe with the size of this place and the way it sparkled under the numerous colourful displays. She was gestured to sit by a henna artist who also told her to stretch her arms out. Naina did, watching them make designs on her hand. One started off with a circle in the middle while the other started filling her forearm.

A few minutes passed with people chatting and songs played in the background; some dancing to them. Her two sisters-in-law made their way to her with bright grins. They complimented her. "Bhabhi, you look lovely. The colour really suits you." The oldest one said. The younger one nodded, her blue eyes shining.

Naina smiled, liking their company. "If you don't mind me asking, how come you have blue eyes?" She asked the youngest Khurrana. "No one in your family has blue eyes or green, but you and Rishabh do. Why is that?" Curiosity laced her tone as she questioned further.

"I have blue eyes because both my maternal grandparents and my mother have them." Aria answered.

"Oh really?" Naina's eyebrows rose with this information. "Both your maternal grandparents?"

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