Ch. 17 The Wedding

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Harsh called Aditi for the third time, and this time, she picked it up after realising that he must be waiting for her. She hurriedly stood up, hugging her best friend who was also on her feet. Aryan glanced up at her with a raised eyebrow but made no effort to get up.

"I need to leave." She mouthed before holding her phone up to her ear. "Yes, Sir." She paused for a second. "Sorry, Mr Kapoor. I was slightly caught up in something else, but I am here at the house now. Just tell me where you are and I will be there." Another pause. "Okay, Sir." Adi hung up before sighing. "I will have to go. I need to give this box to my boss."

"I will come with you." Naina said with a smile. Aditi returned it, and they turned to look at Aryan who was watching them calmly. "You wanna join us?"

Aryan shook his head. "Nah, I think I'll stay here."

"Okay, then we will go." Aditi gestured female best friend to come with her, and they left the little garden, moving into the mansion. Aditi huffed, looking at the grand and gorgeous decorations. "Rich people, I swear. I can't believe they've wasted so much money for just one day."

"Okay... Miss-heiress-to-millions." Naina muttered, causing Adi to laugh. "You know that's not mine. The family property will go to my cousin brother since he is the only male born in the family. I don't get a penny, and as for my mother's property, my dad has decided to keep it for himself."

Naina sighed. "Why is your family like that? No offence, by the way." She quickly added in the end. Adi shook her head. "None taken. And even I ask myself that question." They reached the backyard where people were dancing and getting their mehndi done. Naina spotted Harsh right away and nudged her best friend, who looked up to see her boss.

The girls made their way to him, causing Harsh to throw a cold glare at his assistant when he noticed her. Naina clicked her tongue. "That's not the way you look at the bride's best friend, Harsh."

"Yeah, but she...wait... she is your best friend?" He questioned, raising his eyebrows. The bride nodded at him, making him feel a little guilty. "Umm... sorry. I didn't know." He stated apologetically to Naina, who shook her head. "You should be apologising to my friend." She gestured towards Aditi, who averted her eyes from them, pretending to watch the people.

"I am sorry, Miss Malhotra." Harsh apologised, making her gaze at him. She blushed when their eyes met for a split second before nodding at his sorry. "Uh... here is the box you asked for." Adi handed him the box, and he thanked her.

"Actually, Naina, this is for you. It's a gift from me as a thank you for coming into Abhimanyu's life." He gave it to Naina, who smiled gratefully.

"Aww... this is so sweet! Thank you!"

Aditi just stared at her boss, unaware that he could be sweet towards other people. Actually, she found it cute; not that she would ever admit it... but she liked him being considerate towards her best friend. "Yeah, it is very sweet of you." She mumbled under her breath.

"Well, I should get going." Harsh left them alone, and Naina turned to Aditi, whose eyes stared after her boss. She smirked. "You like him, don't you?"

Immediately, Aditi lowered her gaze to the floor and shook her head. "No. What made you think that?"

"I don't know. Maybe the way you were looking at him?" She responded, the smug smile not leaving her face. "I wasn't looking at him. Anyway, is there anything to eat: I am hungry again!" Her friend whined, changing the topic effectively as Naina nodded and took her to the buffet where the food was still being served.


Naina's Haldi finished in the morning, and her mother urged her to sleep before getting ready for the wedding. Aditi arrived just before 5 pm to help her get ready. She wore a light lavender lehenga whilst Naina was meant to wear a heavy red one.

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