Ch. 13 Sagai

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Tanisha Khurrana dragged the poor girl downstairs and Abhimanyu followed them, watching the stranger he had just met. She was wearing a white anarkali suit which went beautifully together with her skin tone. The little diamond bindi that she wore enhanced her beauty a lot in his opinion. In fact, he had noticed before that her face was deprived of any sort of makeup except for some light pink lipstick and slight mascara on her lashes. She was also short compared to him by a few inches and had a smaller form than him. But the thing that stuck out to him the most was not her face or height but rather her chocolate coloured eyes. They were beyond gorgeous and those deep pools seem to be attracting him closer to her, pulling him to the extent that he might as well drown peacefully in them. 

And the fact that her bracelet was stuck to his button just a few moments ago made him feel a whole new sensation in the pit of his stomach. It was inexplicably different to all the other emotions he had felt before. He never experienced his heart to be beating so wildly, or his mind to be only focused on one person in the room. With just one look at her and he knew he was a dead man already.

His Dadi left her arm and made her settle down on a chair. Naina felt everyone's gaze on her, making her somewhat uncomfortable. She shifted in her seat a bit, drawing in a sharp breath. 

"Namaste, beta." Sanjay said, breaking the ice. Naina strained a smile on her face, a storm of emotions raging within her. She joined her hands and mumbled the same greeting. He introduced everyone from his family and she kept on smiling awkwardly. A woman younger than her mother came up to her and took her hand.

"You are beautiful my child." She complimented her. "As my brother said, I am Ritu. Abhi's Bua." The woman grinned. "And I think you are perfect for him!"

Naina lowered her eyes, feeling shy all of a sudden. 

Tanisha pushed her daughter aside with much force for an old woman. "Right you lot, give her space! Look at the poor thing, she looks scared." She said, telling them all to back off. Naina sighed in relief when she felt most of the eyes off her except for one person who seemed to stare at her relentlessly. Lifting her eyes for a split second, she met those black orbs again, instantly feeling an unfamiliar attraction towards their owner. Naina looked away, concentrating on the gold bracelet on her arm. She tugged at it, remembering the blissful moment that had occurred a few minutes ago with her in his arms.  

No, Naina you can't think like this. 

She thought when she found herself consumed with that particular moment. 

Tanisha came forward and patted her head. "Child, please feel comfortable, we mean no harm." She told her, taking a seat next to her. "Is it okay if I can ask any questions?" 

Naina caught her father's eye who was observing the interaction. He smiled at her, assuring her that everything will be fine. She nodded. "Ji." 

Tanisha beamed, noticing the bond between the girl and her father. "So, how old are you and what are your qualifications?" 

"I am 23 and I have a degree in MBA." 

"Oh? Do you plan on having your own business?" 

"I haven't thought that far ahead yet, but I would love to." 

Tanisha grinned. "Now, what are your favourite foods?" Naina turned to her astounded. "Oh, come on, you must have a favourite right?" 

"Ji, of course. I do quite like biryani." 

"Yes, I like it too! Which one do you like? Chicken, egg or mutton?" 

"Um...veg? I don't eat meat." Naina stated. Tanisha's face fell as if asking, 'veg, really?'. 

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