Ch. 4 Normal?

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Aditi arrived the Arora house within ten minutes. Swetha was taken aback to see her daughter's friend on her doorstep but let her in anyway. "Aditi, beta you here?"

"Thought I should be with Naina after listening to what happened to Deepak uncle ."

Swetha stiffened immediately at the mention of her husband who now lay on a bed diagnosed with cancer. Without saying anything, she left for the kitchen. Aditi sighed and moved upstairs and pushed the door open to Naina's room. At once her eyes found her best friend leaning against the window sill with a dusty book in her hand. "Hey, is everything okay?" Aditi questioned closing the door behind her. Naina only nodded and pulled the curtains close before placing the book right under Aditi's nose.

"Read this." She showed her the different entries that her father had written. Aditi awed when she read about Swetha and Deepak but her expression dropped by the end. "Your dad and mum ran away and got married! Wow. I never knew."

Naina rolled her eyes. "Not that. This." She pointed at the name she'd underlined.

"Sanjay Khurrana? What about him?" Aditi asked, bewildered.

Naina picked her laptop up and turned the screen round to show the girl about the research she'd done so far on this particular man who was mentioned again and again by her father. Aditi took it and started reading the information that google had displayed to them about this man. Her eyes widened when she learnt that Sanjay Khurrana in the dairy entry was the same business tycoon who resided in Mumbai. "Oh my God!! How does your dad know such an influential person?"

"I have yet to find out about that. But meanwhile I learnt that he is rich and was my dad's friend."

"Wait are thinking about...?"


Naina dialled the number as Aditi watched her over her shoulder. Aditi had her fingers crossed. Soon, the ringing sound reached their ears and someone answered it. Two soft smiles spread on their faces and they high fived each other.

"Hello." A woman's voice came from the other end and the girls straightened up.

"Hello. Can I know who is speaking?" Naina asked.

"Shalini Khurrana. Who are you?"

"Umm... Ma'am, can I possibly speak to Sanjay Khurrana?"

"He is busy but can I know who you are and what you want to tell him?"

Naina paused, not knowing what to say. Aditi looked at her and mouthed 'what'. "I don't know what to say." She said after pressing her hand on her phone so the person on the other end couldn't hear her.

"Just say that it's important."

Naina nodded. "Hello, ma'am. Sanjay sir knows me well and it's important. Can you please pass him the phone?"

"I am sorry but he is not well and if he knows you well then why isn't your number saved on his phone?"

"Ma'am, Sir must have forgotten. Can you please-"

The woman hung up without listening to her further. Naina threw her phone on the bed and turned to her best friend dejectedly.

Aditi sighed. "Don't be sad, Naina."

"Then what should I do. It was my dad's friend's number but his wife picked it up instead and then hung up without hearing me out. I don't know what to do now."

Silence took over them and both girls just sat down staring into space. "Naina...if Sanjay Khurrana and your dad were friends then why don't you know about him?" Aditi asked baffled. Naina had wondered about this before but she couldn't find the answer to this question. Could something have possibly happened between them? And those entries...they regarded Sanjay Khurrana to be an amazing friend, then how come she never knew who he was? And why did her dad stop writing all of a sudden? Hmm...maybe she was overthinking about all this...maybe they just grew apart? "Naina..." Aditi shook her and startled she faced her best friend who stared back at her with concern. "You okay?" She nodded.

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