Ch. 6 Reunion of old friends

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Naina's POV

I walked past Zara when I suddenly bumped into someone coming out of the store. I nearly lost my balance but regained it soon. The person who I bumped into had his bags on the floor and I mumbled a couple of apologies to him. He chuckled and looked up at me.  

He was a man in his late forties, gazing at my mother. He had chiselled features and a lean and slightly muscular body. His hair containing a lone strand of grey hair, the rest being black clashing with the colour of the suit he wore. Everything about him was neat and proper, not a wrinkle on his clothes or face. I had seen him somewhere before but I didn't know where. However, realisation soon hit me and I gasped. Sanjay Khurrana. It's him. The man who was my dad's old friend. But why was he here, in Delhi? Didn't he reside in Mumbai? My head was spinning with the numerous questions.

"It's okay, beta." He said and picked those bags up. 

"Sanjay Khurrana..." I muttered under my breath. Mr Khurrana gazed at me confused. 

"Did you say something beta?" 

", I don't know if you know me but I am Naina Arora." I said with slight hesitation. 

"Okay..." Just then his phone rang and he picked it up. "Yes. I'll be there in 20 minutes....No, I was just shopping for my daughter....yeah, of course. Sure...I will see you." He ended the call and seeing me still stood there, he raised his eyebrows. "Are you okay child? Do you need anything?" 

I shook my head, unable to say something. My dumfounded brain found it hard to believe that I had just come across Papa's old best friend. So, I resolved to walk away from there as soon as possible: I needed the toilet anyway. Thinking this, I moved my legs as fast as I could but--

"Excuse me! Beta you dropped your bag." I heard a cry behind me and turned around to see Mr Khurrana catching up to. I paused my legs and hastily snatched my bag. It must have fell out of my hands when I nearly lost my balance with that bump. "Thank you. Thank you." 

"What did you say your name was baccha?" He asked politely. 


"Your name. Did you say your name was Naina Arora?" 

"Um...yes. Why?" 

"Oh, nothing. I just remembered my old friend." 

"Is that old friend called Deepak Arora?" The words slipped out of my mouth and Mr Khurrana's eyes widened in shock. 


Sanjay Khurrana's POV

My eyes widened when I heard the words of the girl. How did she know who Deepak was? that's not possible. But didn't Deepak tell me his daughter's name was Naina? I remember him calling me that day and joyfully screaming that his wife delivered a baby girl. He was really happy that day and I was equally content for him back then. Could this be possible? "How do you know?" I inquired. The girl...Naina seemed unsure of what to say at first but then she inhaled a sharp breath and said. "I am Deepak Arora's daughter and I know you were my dad's best friend." 

"Oh." My heart raced when I thought about the possibility of meeting my old friend again. "So you are Deepak's daughter?" 

She nodded her head and I smiled at her warmly. "Can you take me to him?" 

"I don't know..." 

"Please. I would love to meet him after all these years." 

"I guess." 

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