Ch. 12 First meet

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The Khurrana family got out, one after the other as the Delhi air hit them right on their faces. With their suitcases being loaded into the trunks of their very expensive cars, the members scanned the airport and sat themselves inside. The family together radiated off sophistication at its best. Their postures were impeccable and their smiles were brighter than any celebrity's out there when they all stepped out in front of the Arora's house after an hour long drive. 

People started at them, some baffled and the others dazzled. It was the first time that a whole family of their status had come their neighbourhood, which by the way, seemed too small to fit the Khurrana cars in. Rishabh was the first one to come out and he knew at once that he had gained all the female species' attention with the way he felt them eye him up and down. He threw a charming smile their way which made all the girls present swoon and blush over him. Even the gossip aunties in the colony seemed mesmerised by his presence. 

Abhimanyu gained equal stares as well but he paid them no heed, helping his younger sisters get out. Aria clung to him, afraid of all the attention that they were getting as she was the youngest and mostly kept away from the media and people for her safety. However, the boys didn't seem to be the ones earning the most attention, in fact, it seemed to be their grandmother who had all the eyes on her. The older men and women who had watched her on-screen ever since they were in their 20s stared at her with open mouths. Abhi's Dadi lifted her lips in the most alluring way which made her look several years younger. The older men gulped. She was their dream girl, along with Hema Malini. They had had posters of her in their bedroom walls as they imagined to meet her at least once in their life. She was a remarkable beauty, an everlasting one at that, because the glow that was once there still remained on her face today. 

As every gaze followed the family's movements, the Khurranas opened the gates and before they could knock, the doors were thrown wide open by the patriarch of the Arora family who joined his hands to welcome them. They all smiled politely, except for Shalini who had her gaze trained on the neighbourhood, sizing it up to theirs in Mumbai. It was so much smaller and didn't have much open area like they did. Their mansion alone could cover the space of 3 houses in here. 

Scrunching her nose in distaste a little, she stepped over the threshold. The first thing she saw was a shoe cupboard and a family picture of the Aroras, all three of them grinning. 


Abhimanyu held Aria as she stumbled into the living room. She mumbled a sorry to him and then looked at the woman in front of her. The woman gestured her to sit on the grey sofa which she did gladly as her body felt a little sore from playing badminton all day yesterday with Preeti while the elders were busy figuring out Abhi's marriage. 

The rest took a seat as well and Deepak left to get more chairs for the boys and himself to sit in. He seemed embarrassed slightly that he couldn't accommodate his guests but Rishabh and Abhimanyu thanked him gratefully to ease him up a little. "Well, would you like anything to drink or eat? My wife makes really good food, so please do take it as an advantage to fill your stomachs." Was the first thing Deepak said. His wife, who was behind him flushed at his words and looked at him fondly. He always praised her cooking skills in front of everyone. Abhimanyu watched the couple, surprised at their bond. His parents, though loved each other weren't as expressive as them when in public, and then his Bua and her ex-husband always had problems with one another when they were together. 

"Please, I am not that good but like Deepak said: would you all like anything to have?" His soon to mother-in-law asked them, her eyes particularly on him. They shook their heads. "But you must have something! How about some chai or coffee?" 

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