Ch. 18 Ice cold water

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Pulling the comforter on her body, she was about to close her eyes when she heard someone opening the door.

The footsteps were heavy as they moved towards the bed. She heard them stop for a moment and felt a gaze on her face. The person seemed to have leaned forward as a wave of their cologne hit her nostrils. Their breath fanned her cheeks, and she felt their fingers on her face, brushing a strand of hair away.

Her husband.

Naina stilled at the touch, and her breath hitched. She wanted to open her eyes and look at her husband, but something stopped her from doing so.

"Guess she is asleep." She heard him mutter, moving away from her. When she felt that he was a safe distance away from her, she opened her right eye to see the outline of his back under the moonlight that shone on his figure.

Abhimanyu slid the balcony window aside and closed it behind him once he was inside the balcony. He rested his arms on the railing and stared at the silent night scene in front of him.

It was serene and calm, unlike the storm inside of him. He fucking liked her; he really did! The day when he saw her, he knew he was a gone case. The mesmerising beauty she held was enough to make him lose his heart to her. But now, he realised it was all a grave mistake. She didn't like him; she only liked his money.

Frustrated with all the emotions that swirled within him, he pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and lit the end with his lighter. Bringing the cigarette closed to his lips, he inhaled it sharply, feeling it burn his lungs. He blew the smoke out and sighed, leaning against railing.

The wind whistled past the trees, causing them to sway left to right. The chaotic rustling of the leaves could be heard, as well as the sounds of the night creatures, such as an owl. The full moon stood above, watching the night unfold.

It was peaceful. It was perfect.

A complete contrast to him and his life. Nothing was perfect in his life. Nothing was peaceful right now.

Why did he agree to this marriage? He could have lived a tranquil life if he hadn't agreed to this wedding. But he did, and it turned his world upside down.

The picture he saw of Naina made him curious about her personality. He wondered if she was as sweet as she seemed in the photo. Her beautiful brown eyes and those pink lips had made him go made for her in no time.

Abhimanyu brought the cigarette to his lips once again. Why? Why did he have to like her? It would have been easier to ignore the hurt he felt.

As he stood there, thinking about his wife, Naina turned around on the bed, unable to sleep. It was a new place with new people. Moreover, she was worried about her parents, especially about her father.

He had lung cancer, after all, and in a week, he would be starting his chemotherapy. She wanted to be there with him and help him recover, but she knew her dad would be cross with her if she was with him all the time.

Nobody really knew about her dad's condition outside of her family except her father-in-law. The day after Abhimanyu and her got engaged, she contacted her father-in-law, telling him about her father's cancer diagnosis and the money that she would need for the treatment.

Instantly, he agreed to help her if she didn't back away from the marriage. She agreed to his terms, and he promised to send the required amount after her and Abhimanyu's wedding.

Infact, she should have received the money by now.

Naina tossed around in her bed again, facing Abhimanyu's back. She watched a wisp of smoke coming from his mouth and immediately sat up. He was smoking!

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