6: Deal

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Aurora's POV:

It's been a month since I've asked Diego about donating and I did mean that I will not stop begging. Within that month I've found where Diego lives. Call me weird and a stalker but sometimes you gotta do what u gotta do to live. The only bad thing is that there's been rumors regarding Diego and I. People are assuming we are dating since we've been spotted almost everywhere together. Today hopefully I can make an agreement with him. I should have done that a long time ago but now it's necessary.

Later that today I went over to Diego's house. But he wasn't there. So the only other place he would be at was practice. I texted Kevin to see if he was there. Me and Kevin met through Diego. We became close and he also has helped me convince Diego but it hasn't worked. Kevin replied and said that he was at practice. So I went there. I saw Diego and just started to watch them practice. After practice I waited to go into the locker room. I wanted me and Diego to talk in private to agree on whatever he wants.

After 30 minutes, Kevin let me know that everyone left besides Diego. So I went to the locker room and saw Diego.
"Hey" I said
"Hi, what do you want now?" He said
"I'm still on that you know" I said
"I know what do you want me to do, I told you that I won't donate." He said.
"Fine but what if we make some agreement or deal, anything you want I'll agree" I said
"Fine you know what. Here's my deal, I'll do the bone marrow transplant IF you agree to date me for the public" he said
"Wait what" I said
"You heard me Aurora either you agree to this or you won't get what you need"
"Why that isn't there something else you would like"
"Because the public has seen us together for the past month and everyone is already assuming so might as well confirm we are "dating". He said
"You know what fine, I'll do whatever it takes to be healthy again" I said
"Deal" we both said as we shook hands.

A/N: short chapter I'll be writing the other one in a bit. But I am very busy today so I might not.

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