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"Baby, I have something to tell you

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"Baby, I have something to tell you." I spoke with the feeling of uncertainty rising in the pit of my stomach as I sat beside him.

"Okay, wassup ?" He leaned back, using his arms as support.

"So remember I mentioned my pops being killed ?" I questioned, attempting to ease him into the information I'm about to tell him.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Well he was the leader of a mafia, which my mama now is the head of. He was killed by Kaasan's family, that's what she told me at least. In retaliation...she decided to kill his family before she moved us here, which is the real reason I decided to have Jailen move in with me because I don't want that life to affect her the way it affected me. Before you even ask, I'm not a part of that lifestyle and the most I've ever done was represent us in meetings but that all stopped once I stopped seeking the validation of my mama. I've been attempting to withhold all this to keep you safe from what could possibly come from the decisions my parents made but I was gonna tell you when the time was right but I had no choice. I would rather you find out from me than Kai." I finally let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

We sat in thick silence for at least a minute...that's what it felt like at least.

"Thank you." He broke the silence we'd been sitting in.

"Huh ?"  I was confused as hell.

"Thank you for telling me. I know the past can be hard to talk about or open up about but you did. I hate that it took Kai to threaten you in order to tell me but I figured you tell me when the time is right. You aren't really good at hiding your emotions, I saw right through 'it's nothing to worry about'." He responded.

"You aren't leaving me for safety ?" I questioned.

"Nile...be forreal, it's your past and you're honestly the best man I've ever had in every aspect. Sure, I'm scared and I think I'm good on meeting your mom but I trust you, your ability to protect me, and your ability to do the right thing. If i've learned anything in life it's that leaving when something scares you or gets rough on you isn't fair... to myself or in this case to you, we'll figure all this out together." He rested his head on my shoulder.

"I have a session in about ten minutes but before I leave I wanna leave you with this to think about, although you can't change the decisions your parents have made and how that trickled down to you and possibly your sister...you do have the power to change the outcome in the end and shift how things will be in the future. I love you Nile, always and forever." He kissed me before heading towards the door of my office.

"I love you too." I smiled.  He's so perfect, heaven sent even.

Hours Later

How do I look ?" Ermias said, spinning around for me. His costume completely showed off his body.

"You look sexy." I smiled, causing him to attempt to hide his face. "Uht uht, what I say about that ?"

"Boy go head." He chuckled and waved me off before resting his body against mine as we watched our friends and coworkers dance and lollygag. We were currently at the halloween party. It was cool don't get me wrong but I would rather be laid up somewhere watching scary movies. That's just me though.

"You know I been thinking about something." I said, catching his attention.

"What you been thinking about ?" He looked up at me.

"I been thinking about what you said earlier and I think I have a plan." I looked down at him.

"Okay, what is it ?" He questioned.

"Once we get back...I'll find Kaasan before he can find my family and attempt to change the outcome of everything and hopefully right the wrongs of my family and his."

"I'm proud of you and most importantly I'll be with you every step of the way." He said before kissing me.

"I appreciate that and you better chill out." I chuckled in response to him whining his body against mine.

"I don't have to do shit." He said teasingly. Bet.

"Okay." I shrugged. "You acting like you don't gotta spend tomorrow with me but go off."

"Who the fuck said that ?" He looked me up and down. Okay, imma show him.

"You really trying me right now like I won't have you—"

"Okay damn...you got it." He said before returning to his original position.

"Mhm, thought so." I smiled, feeling accomplished. He love talking that shit but he know wassup.

"You're annoyingggg." He chuckled.

"You love it though." I shrugged.

"I guess." He replied, causing me to put my hand in his bottoms, cupping his cheeks.

"Y'all so fucking nasty like y'all gotta stop doing this at parties." Lyric wore a disgusted face.

"Right like y'all would fuck anywhere huh ?" Chanté laughed . "Y'all stay in heat fuck."

"First of all neither one of y'all hoes can talk. Especially all the shit we talk about in our group chat...please back up off us. Y'all know this a show y'all would wanna see anyways so please be fucking forreal and get with nyny bitch." Ermias said, causing all of us to laugh.

"C'mon though we miss y'all on the floor. Y'all gonna have enough alone time on the trip anyways, let's go." Chanté said before pushing us onto the floor.

I honestly wouldn't trade this group of people me and Mai call friends for anything.  It's so important to have people around you who understand you, who are deeply connected to you, and lastly people who lift you up in every aspect of the word. We love them & they love us. They're our chosen family. It reminds me of a poem Mai wrote:

when i think of my friendships i tend to get emotional
i'd never thought i'd have people who truly make my heart smile
i'd never thought that other people would be my peace, my safe space, and would just bring so much light and happiness to my life
i was so used to figuring everything out alone and having to deal with everything alone
i write this poem to thank my friends...thank you for loving me beyond measure while i was...me
thank you for the patience and grace you've given me which taught me to have grace and patience for myself
thank you for accepting my affection and reciprocating it
thank you for helping me grow and correcting me or my actions when need be
thank you for the long talks, the hugs, the smiles, the tears, and the laughs
i just truly thank y'all for being there for me even when it was rough and not giving up on me
y'all have helped me realize that i'm never alone and that i am so so so loved and cared about, that's something i'll never take for granted and a feeling that's truly one of a kind
...y'all are everything i needed and more in a family.

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