2. Flashback

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4 weeks ago.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Just eating" Shoko shrugged her shoulders.

"What are we doing after school?"

"I don't know. Let's wait for Satoru and decide then"

"Cool. How's your training going?"

"Pretty good. Yaga said that I am leveling up day by day" shoko said and munched her last bite.

"I see that. You are much stronger. You would be the best bodyguard for Gojo" Geto laughed.

"yeah, maybe" She chuckled and tried to flex her muscles. "See? No fat, just muscles"

"Sorry, Rembo"

"What?" she laughed hearing Geto's sudden "Rembo" she wiped off her lips. It was oily.

"What's up guys" Satoru joined them.

"Ayy, my cootie patootie" Shoko said and kissed him.

Geto watched them. Happy that they were being like this. Gojo wrapped his hands around her waist and twirled her around. "Did you eat?" he asked and she nodded.

"Stop" She was hitting him lightly. "Satoru stop or I will puke, I feel dizzy"

"Okay" he said and let her down.

"How are the things going?" Geto asked Gojo.

"Idk, man. I had a talk with Yaga and tomorrow they will be sending me to Milan, for another mission. Special grade one"


"Yes. He said you were going for serious missions for a while now and you need a rest. Don't worry. I will manage it"

"Because you are the strongest?"

"No. We are" He winked at Suguru.

"I can come with you"

"No need. Rest and take care of my girl" He looked at Shoko.

"Stop talking like I can't protect myself"

"You can, Shokito. But it's never a bad thing to have someone who watches you while I am away"

"Tch" Shoko pouted. "When will you come back?"

"In 2 days. I will come back as soon as I accomplish the mission"

"Be careful and take good care of yourself" Shoko said hugging him.

"Roger, Miss Shoko.So... Why don't we go to club today? I will call the others and meet them up at the station"

"Why don't you stay at home and get a good sleep?" Shoko asked, she was worried for him. He was going on missions after missions.

"She is right. And it's not just a regular mission. It's Special grade"

"Come on, man. Do I look scared? Let's have some fun. I will call Haibara. He will get fake IDs for us"


"It's okay, Shoko." he said and kissed her.



After the club, Shoko and Gojo decided to go to Shoko's apartment, early.

"why are you two such in hurry?" Haibara asked.

"Uhh, they want to have sex" Utahime sighed.

"Oh, how did you know?" Satoru put his hand on his mouth. " You better find someone too or that cat will die dry"

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