10. And What If I Am In Trouble,Too?

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Shoko knows she looks awful.

She scarcely had any sleep last night. What kind of person sleeps normally after knowing they can be killed at any second? Now she is in lion's den. All alone.

Fuck. Everything is so messed up.

Kaede will be here soon. Satoru and everyone else know about her. This is so fucked up. Satoru will definitely come and look for her. Only to find her dead body... maybe.

She can't think farther. What else would Kaede want from her? Shoko crossed the line. She was told to live quietly in America, without getting noticed by her friends and here she was about to tell Satoru everything that happened. How could she be so stupid? knowing people's lives are on the line because of her.

And here we are. Haibara is already dead. Dead because she wanted to act important. Dead because she thought she couldn't bare hiding all the time, doing what she doesn't want to do. She acts on her own and look, where she is now. Her one friend dead and another god knows when will open his eyes. She is so selfish. She hates herself so much.

Maybe dying isn't as bad. Maybe it's even the best solution. Everyone will be fine if she dies.

Every time she keeps going that way in her thoughts, Satoru's face pops up. His words whisper to her "Choose yourself. Know that I will be the happiest if I know you are safe and sound."

"I can't live without you."

"Letting you go means letting my life go."

"I can't imagine my life without you in it. It's you or no one."

"I want to make family with you."

"I want to marry you."

"I love you, shoko."

Head hurts. These voices keep her going. He keeps her going. He isn't here but she can feel him being with her, supporting her. That's what gives her energy, for now.

"She is here." Daniel says and she comes back from her thoughts.

The front door opens and reveals Kaede Gojo. Her stoic face, dark blue eyes. Wearing black kimono with white straps and sandals.

"Look at you, Shoko. Always looking so scared and weak. You haven't changed at all. Still the same reckless girl, I knew."

Shoko was staring at her. Unable to move a muscle. Even her little going left or right might awake something in Kaede and make her do something stupid.

The silence is so loud that she can her her own heartbeat.

"What? You've got nothing to say?" Kaede says as her bodyguard takes a big white coat off of her and she sits on the couch, in the living room.

"Why do you have me here? What do you want from me? To kill me?" Shoko asked as she stood next to Daniel.

"Daniel, did you tell Shoko I would kill her?"

"No, Kaede-san. She has been telling me that you are going to kill her. I don't know where she got that idea."

"Really?" Kaede looked at Shoko. " You wanted to become Satoru's girl, I am trying to show you around the mansion. This one is Gojo clan's biggest mansion and apparently the second oldest one. It was built in  19th century. Satoru was here when he was 10 years old. He always says this place gives him creeps. My son is a little bit different. We didn't have someone so energetic after Kioki Gojo who was so friendly, energetic and humorous person. He was also, the one who owned the six eyes. Kioki was Satoru's great granfather's father. He was 37 when he passed away. Do you know how he died? Has Satoru ever told you about that?" She paused to hear Shoko's answer.

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