8. Mom?

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She hears Satoru's voice. Shoko sits up in cold sweat, gasping for air. It's chilly to the bone and she's drenched in sweat. Each breath heavier than the last against her chest, damp palms clutching at the blankets. Running a hand over her face, she wipes the tears from her eyes. She'd been crying in her sleep. It's the same recurring dream again, one she's had for as long as she could remember, 7 years already. The accident that killed her parents. Her mother's crying, her father unconscious on the ground. Face unrecognizable, probably from the impact. Her mother's whimpering. Shoko's blurry vision, people rushing towards the accident scene. Some of them in shock, some of them helping and some of them... taking videos.

Her thoughts are interrupted when she feels familiar hands on her shoulders and she immediately looks up at the person in front of her.

"Shoko! Are you okay? How are you?" Satoru asks, his voice worrying and his right hand caressing her cheeks.

"I...I am." her voice is sore, talking is hard right now.

She diverts her eyes from him and notices they aren't alone in the room. Damian is standing at the end of the bed, he looks concerned,too.

"Can you bring me some water?" Satoru asks and Damian nods his head. he quickly fetches the water and brings it to him. "Thanks." he says and takes it.

"Drink it." Satoru says as he tries to remove some of the hair out of Shoko's face and helps her to take a sip.

"nghh" Shoko makes painful expression and Satoru puts the cup on the table, next to the bed.

"What? Does it hurt somewhere?"

"My stomach" She says and winces in pain.

"period?" he looks up at her.


"Okay, what do you want me to do? Do you want some warm water placed on your stomach? medicine? some sweets? snacks? cuddles?"

"I need my pad before I paint everything red here." She says and tries to stand up. Satoru's helping her while Damian suggested to cook some soup for them.

"that dream again?" Satoru questions while Shoko washes her face.

"Yeah" she nods.

"How often do you see them?"

"I haven't seen it for a month." she dries her face and neck.

"exactly the same one?"

"Yes, as always." She says now brushing her teeth.

"I am sorry." He says looking down. he hates when he can't help her.

She spits and washes the insides of her mouth.

"Stop apologizing for things that's not your fault, Satoru." Shoko dries her mouth and cups his face.

"You did what you could do, I am happy for that. Besides I am used to it. It's not a problem." she smiles.

Satoru gently places his hand behind her head and pushes her towards himself. Their foreheads touching.

" I love you." he locks their hands. He was leaning on the bathroom counter, legs spread so Shoko could get between them. his eyes closed, to feel her, because looking at her in the eyes was distracting him.

She nods. her hands moving towards his hair, every strand of it soft as a feather. she slowly brings his head on her chest and he follows, his hands sneak around her waist, resting them there.

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