5. Paralyzed

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Months passed and both of them started their own new life. Well, kind of.

Gojo was in Japan, doing missions and attending school at Jujutsu Tech. He finally mastered his new imaginary technique "purple". People at Jujutsu Tech were so proud of him.

He started to enjoy his life. He would go out with students, he would go to clubs with Suguru and everyone. Enjoying and talking, having fun while also doing their work.

Everybody missed Shoko. It wasn't like they forgot about her. Her absence was always noticeable, but that eventually started to fade away. Not in Satoru's mind,though. He wished her the best, he had said before that he would feel well when he would know she was doing okay and was happy. So if she wanted him to disappear and that made her happy, then it's okay.

Sometimes, he calls Ava and asks how Shoko is doing, without her knowing it. He just wants to check on her, she is living in another world, yes, and he is still worried. He wants to know if she is fine, if she is doing alright.

Meanwhile, Shoko is in America, doing her best to live a normal life. 5 months passed and she is  finally getting back to her usual lifestyle. She still works at Burger King. Doing her best. Nothing new. Her and Damian still live together. Sometimes, she goes to clubs to have fun when her friends.

"Here is your order"

"Can I get extra straw please?"

"Yeah,sure" She says and gives it to the customer.

"My shift is over, Niel"

"Okay. Wanna take something at home?"

"Iced Americano"

"Okay, get changed and meanwhile I'll get you one"

"Thank you"

She went back after changing. Today was so tiring. She wanted to kill herself. First, she was main shift, second she got scolded from manager about the incident that happened days ago with that old hag.  "at least, I did what I wanted" she said.

"I am leaving, good luck"

"bye, Shoko"

She was on her way to home. She started drinking her Iced Americano.

"Suddenly, I don't want to kill myself anymore" she said and slurped her drink.

She called Damian.

"Hey, are you home?"

"No, I am shopping, bought new pair of shoes, I am night shift tonight"

"Should I buy something for home?"

"Toilet papers and shampoo"

"Okay. anything for you?"

"Energy drinks and we are fine"

"Okay. Then bye"



She took quick shower and laid on the couch. Finally. her back and feet hurt from standing all day.

She suddenly got a call.

It was Ava.


"Shoko, how are you?"

"Didn't I see you at work?"

"Yeah, but your shift is over already. How are you doing? Got home?"

"Yep, laying on the couch trying to get some rest, you?"

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