13. Finally, At Peace

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"Good morning" Shoko grumbled as she strode to the couch in the centre of the small living room. She rested her fingers on her forehead, brushing the strands of loose hair out of her eyes as she took a deep breath.

There was Satoru laying on the sofa and watching Mr.Bean while gobbling down Froot Loops. All of his fingers dirty as he threw the cereal into his mouth.

"At least, mix them with some milk" Shoko made an eye roll and went in the bathroom.

"Good morning, sunshine" Satoru replied after drinking his orange juice with strawberry straw in it.

"What are you doing?" Shoko asked after a minute, entering the kitchen to make some hot coffee for herself.

"Ummm, watching a cartoon? Nothing much. I woke up early. Don't know why though, but I didn't want to wake you up. See? I am watching this muted. That's called "Love", dear." He winked at her and continued swallowing cereal.

Shoko only chuckled and poured the coffee in her mug. "They don't even talk in that show that much."

Satoru pouted. "Meanie."

"What are you doing today?"

"Ermmm. Have a clan meeting first, then a little mission and then I am free, wanna go on a date?"

"When exactly do you have a meeting?" She checked the time on her phone.

"11 a.m" he answered.

"Satoru, it's 12 a.m"

"Oh, is it?" he asked, uninterested.

"You are late, idiot."

"They can wait. I am the boss." He lazily stood up and placed the empty box of cereal on the table, then he kissed Shoko and wobbled towards the bathroom.

"I need to take a shower, Can you get me my suit ready?"

"I ironed them yesterday. They are on the chair in our bedroom."

"You are truly the best wife." he said and started singing in the shower.

Shoko exhaled and sipped her coffee. She meanwhile facetimed Utahime.

"Good morning, Shoko. How are you doing?"

"Good morning, Uta. I just woke up. Any plans today?"

"Uhmm. lemme think. Ughh, I am not free today, I have to take care of my nephews. My brother's going to Hokkaido for some business. I am his only hope today."

"Oh, that sucks." Shoko made an eye roll and exhaled at once. Then her face lit up. "Hime, what about you coming here with your nephews? We will have so much fun-"

"You hate kids."

Silence. She isn't wrong. Shoko hates kids.

"Well... Kids can play and we can gossip."

"No, Shoko. Grandma and Grandpa are coming over, they will be here, I can't take them with me to you with nephews. And I can't leave them with the kids alone. We can meet up tomorrow. Not today, sorry."

"If you say so. Tell me, how's Mei doing?"

"Mei?" Utahime sounded confused at first. "Oh, you mean after yesterday?"

"Yap." Shoko nodded and sipped her coffee.

"She said her and Suguru talked. No hard feelings. They are friends."

"What about her? Is she okay with it?"

"Suguru doesn't like her that way. She, of course, understands it, but you know, she needs some time to overcome her feelings."

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