12. Our Promise

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"Hey, Satoru. Do you have some time?"

"Of course, Shoko. What's wrong?"

"No. I don't want to tell you that on the phone. Can we meet somewhere?"

"I am coming, where are you? What happened? It's pretty late, though. Are you okay?"

"Nothing, nothing. I am fine. It's not that urgent. If you are busy-"

"I am at family dinner, where are you? Are you at home? at school?"

"I-I am at... I am, you know what? Forget about it. Sorry if I interrupted you. Love you, bye."


Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Satoru! Is there something going on? We are at the table. Manners!" Kaede half-smiled at him. The guests which were actually his uncle and the uncle's wife stared at Satoru, waiting for his answer.

"I gotta leave, it's emergency."

"But we have guests, Satoru!"

"Excuse me, it's really emergency" Satoru stood up and left the table.

He called Yamaki to give him a drive. Gojo dialed Shoko's number not knowing what was going on.Why did she want to talk? about what? why now? What's happening?

"Please tell me you didn't leave the house."

"Where are you?"

"Satoru, go back."

"Shoko, where are you?"

"Nogawa park." She exhaled. He could tell she was crying.

"Shoko. What made you think to go there at this time and alone? You should have called me."

"We saw each other 5 hours ago."


"I didn't want to bother you. If you had a dinner with your family, then it must have been important."

"I am coming. You can talk to me while I am on my way."

"You should have stayed at home. I didn't want to cause a problem."

"It was so boring at home. Now I have a reason to come. Really, what's wrong?"

"Can you bring me some chocolates?"

"Chocolates? That's so random. Shoko... Did something happen?"

"Dark chocolate... It was mom's favorite... If you can."

There was a silence for a moment.

"Of course." Satoru said from another line.

"Thank you."


It was 22:05 when Satoru arrived at the park. There were people coming and leaving. It was Autumn and the weather was quite chilly.

He muttered under his breath for not wearing something warmer. He was cold.

Gojo's eyes glowed and he sensed Shoko. She was sitting on the field, near the river, wearing some green baggy cargo jeans and the black hoodie with converses. Typical Autumn Shoko. headsets on, her hands playing with the grass next to her.

"There you are." Satoru said from meters away so she wouldn't get scared. Shoko threw her head back, while she took her headsets off, meeting his lips for a kiss. He smiled after their shared peck and sat next to her.

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