9. The Truth

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"Who is this!" his voice was cold.

"I have to answer that, give it back."

He clicked the green button.

"I thought you snitched on me. I will make sure Satoru leaves the country and then I am gonna take care of you. Don't you dare tell him our secret, or else you know what will happen."


Satoru was confused. No. He was more than confused. Just when he thought he found out who was bothering Shoko, his mom just calls.

"Mom?" he asks again. He is in pure misunderstand. Why is his mother calling Shoko? What does she want from her?

Beep. Beep. Beep.

He checks her phone once again, only to see that his mother hung up the call.

"Satoru, give me that phone back." she said and snatched it from his hand.

"It was my mom, Shoko..." He blurted it out. "Why..." he looked baffled. "Why did she call you?"

Play it cool, shoko. You've got this. If she tells him everything right now, he won't leave. He will stay here with her, but she needs him with Suguru. With everyone else, so he can protect them... He must be there as soon as possible... But... what about her? What if she wants him with her... what if this is final moments with him and she will never get to see him again? she wants him to... She wants him to choose her. She can't do that again. It's like a cycle and they keep going back. Leaving each other, meeting again, love, problem, leave, meet, love, problem and again and again and again.

"Satoru... I-"

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

She quickly checks her phone. Blank space. Her screen is black. She looks in front, It's Satoru's phone buzzing right now.

He quickly takes it out from his pocket and checks who is calling.


His eyebrows knit and he presses green button.

"Satoru! Are you here?!" He seems out of breath and Gojo can hear some voices behind it. Gunshots, someone's scream. Someone crying. Someone crying out in pain.

"Suguru! What's happening there?!" Satoru asks, his hold tighter on the phone, trying to listen to every little detail in it.

"It's... I don't know. They out of nowhere attacked us at school. We need you here as soon as possible. They are many, sorcerers and regular people. I don't know what the hell is happening. It's... They aren't some kind of amateurs, they seem professionals. They know why they are here. I need you here. Come back. Haibara is dead, Nanami is unconscious." Satoru widened his eyes. Shoko seemed to notice his face changing and went closer. "What. Who is that?"

" And I don't know how long Yaga can stay out there. I gotta go. Just... Come. We need your h-"

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Hey, Suguru." Satoru focused on the phone now. "hey! Suguru! You hear me?!" he yelled into the phone. No response.

"What? Satoru, what happened?" Shoko asked, her eyes trying to find answers in his orbs.

"Some people attacked Suguru and others at school. Haibara is dead and Nanami is unconscious. I don't know about the others. I lost connection or he hung up, I don't fucking know. I... We have to go. Shoko, we are needed there. You can cure Nanami. I will fight them and meanwhile you can heal them." He talked so fast, she was trying so hard to catch up. She didn't hear anything after he mentioned Haibara's condition. Ava was astounded. She couldn't even utter a word. Damian looked shocked and Shoko lost the color on her face.

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