11. Hell

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When his orbs scanned the whole room, he noticed Shoko. Satoru stared at her, wide-eyed, fists clenched, knuckles white.

To say the scene was disturbing would be an understatement. The first thing he saw was Shoko being tied up on the chair. 3 used syringes on the ground, 8 on the table. Her face. She... She looked the worst. hair wet, her whole body sweating, eyes barely open, her white crop-top drenched in her own sweat, eyes puffy from crying, her mouth looked so dry, it was purplish colored on the side. It made his stomach churn.

Shoko was ghostly pale. Tears pricked at the corner of Satoru's eyes, and he thought he might throw up. The world around him spun faster and faster.

Daring to look up, he met Kaede's dark blue eyes, and a pang of disgust jolted through him. He will kill her. What did she do to her to look like this?

"Shoko!" he called her as he started to come closer to untie her. What happened? Why is she like that?

Suddenly he felt electrical pain in his body. There was a barrier in front of him. A circle. He took his index and moved it across the circle but it quickly hit him and he was forced to move back.

"What is this?" He looked at Kaede. His eyes dark and his face cold like ice.

"I knew you would come for her. I had to put up the barrier for you."

"Shoko! Are you okay? Can you hear me? Answer me, please."

"I am afraid she can't do that. She is a little bit tired."

"What did you do to her? Why? Why are you doing this?"

"She left me no other choice. I had to weaken her."

"SHOKO!" he hit the barrier but that didn't make it break. It hurt him instead. "Open your eyes! Shoko! Please... Open- your- eyes. I am here! Your Satoru is here! look at me. Please, look at me, Shoko!" he kept hitting the barrier, his teeth gritted and fists clenched where you could see veins almost burst from his skin. " I am here. I will save you. Shoko! SHOKO!" he was punching the barrier. Nothing was changing. His knuckles started to bleed but he didn't even notice that. He was using his powers to break the circle, nothing... Nothing is changing. FUCK!

"You can't do anything, Satoru. Stop hurting yourself."

"She has nothing to do with it. Let her go!"

"Oh, my. She is actually the main character why all of these are happening, Satoru. She brainwashed you so much that you don't even want to stay home with your mother." She sighed.

"Kaede! Let her go. She didn't do anything. She doesn't deserve this. How could you do this to her, to me? I thought I could trust you. I thought you would never do something so evil. I swear, if something bad happens to her, I will kill you with my own hands." he clenched his fists. Satoru's blue eyes threw daggers towards Kaede.

"See? You are really going to kill your mother for this filthy woman? What did she do to you? Why is she so dear to you?" kaede looked at Shoko. She was barely listening to their conversation. Kaede put her hand on Shoko's chin, making her look at her.

"nghh." Shoko winced in pain.

"Don't touch her! Don't!" he punched the barrier and it fired back at him. "What the fuck is this? Why can't I get through in it?"

" this barrier is made exactly for you. I knew you would come here without a second thought. I wanted to make this as quite as possible. Do you believe this? She is so arrogant. She wanted to be with you. she- how can she imagine herself next to you? seriously, she has guts for that?"

"You lied to me. You lied to everyone and made them think you were actually the victim. You threatened Shoko with Suguru, with my friends... How could you do that? Why did you have to go that far for something so trivial? You really had to kill Haibara because I love Shoko? Because she loves me? Are you out of your mind?"

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