3. New Life

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"Your flight is in 20 minutes, Shoko-chan"

"Thank you, Maiki-san. You didn't have to follow me"

"I work for Kaede, but It doesn't mean I agree on everything she says and does. I am so sorry for what you had to go through this past few weeks. It must have been hard for you. you can't imagine how angry she was when she found out you two were dating."

"I am sorry for asking this, but has she ever talked to Satoru about me and him? If you know,by any chance?"

He started to think about it.

"As long as I have been accompanying her, no. They had no conversation about it. I had few talks with Satoru,though. I once told him he had a beautiful girlfriend, but he almost used his blue technique on me. I had to clarify, I didn't mean it in a bad way. It was the first time I had seen him so happy and energetic. Like, he was always like that but after being with you as a couple, he became more lively. When he came home, he would take some advices from bodyguards. he would ask If he looked good, What he had to do to make someone happier and so on. He cared about you. But Kaede-san's face... She didn't like how he was so attached to you. I am sorry"

"No... You don't have to feel bad about me. I did what I had to do, now I have to start a new life. thanks to you, I managed to learn how to hide my presence. Do you think it will work? The fake passport, I mean."

"It definitely will. This isn't our first time doing this"

"So Kaede has been playing it nasty from the start,huh?"

"You can't run business without getting your hands dirty. That's the rule"

"So that's how it is...I hope, everyone will be happy as soon as I leave"

"Satoru won't be happy and I know you are hurting,too"

She looked down.

"I have to try starting my life from a new page. I know it won't be easy for them,too but I tried to make them hate me. I hope they won't care in a short time"

"You know, Satoru won't stop. He will start looking for you. Kaede-san faked searching for you. But Satoru won't stop until he finds you. I know him. He won't give up on you"

"That's why I learned hiding my presence. He can't find me if I use your teachings, thank you"

"No. It's fine. I wish you the best, hope you find your way there. You are a good girl. You always think about others. It's a shame that Kaede-san doesn't want you to be by Satoru's side"

"Well... It's my time to go. Thank you for everything Maiki-san. Hope we meet someday, in better place"

"Take a good care, Shoko-chan"

And she left. Her flight to America. Her new life. Alone. She would lie if she said she isn't scared, cause she is. What can she do alone? How is she gonna live like that knowing her people must hate her right now and to think that Satoru might want to kill her after what she did... She doesn't want to imagine that.

"Be strong. take care of yourself. This is a whole new life. Think about it as a new chance. You have always wanted to go to America, Shoko. Let's forget about the past and follow the dynamic of your new life. This is your chance... Forget the past" She said to herself.


"Gojo, stop" yaga tried to hold him but he was too strong.

"Let go of me. I have to find her" Satoru said not listening to him. Geto was worried,too. Satoru didn't seem to be like "the old" him. He understands it very well. They are talking about Shoko. It's just unbelievable. Everything that happened to Satoru was done by Shoko and she even stabbed Kaede-san. He doesn't want to believe, but even documents say it was all done by her cursed technique. And the fact she wasn't herself these days, these past weeks, adds more suspension to it.

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