7. I Forgive You

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"he left"  Ava sighed.

"Can you let go of me?" Damian finally yanked her hand from his mouth.

"Yeah.Sorry. I was just so excited, I thought he would stay here tonight."

"You can come out." Shoko said unimpressed.

"Why did he go? He could stay here."

"Ava." Damian nudged her. "Shoko. How are you?" he looked at her.

"Is it bad that in here" she pointed at her heart. "In here I wanted him to stay?"

Both of them didn't give her immediate answer. They were kind of confused by her. It wasn't like Shoko was that kind of girl who talks about her emotions and her feelings a lot.

"No, I don't think so." Damian answered.

"So, I have been thinking. he is your best friend,right? someone close to you, he likes you, but now that I look at it, It seems he is somehow very dear to you." Ava stated.

"He is." She answered shortly.

"Who is Satoru to you? Just a former best friend? Someone who liked you and you liked him but both of you haven't confessed? or what?"

"Ava! Stop asking weird questions." Damian whispered to her while Shoko wasn't looking at them. It wasn't really time for this kind of questions.

"No. Come to think of it. I have never heard a single story from you since you came to America. I think I, at least, deserve to know who Satoru and Suguru are to you. Just old best friends? or what?" Ava asked.

"You really wanna know this? at 2 a.m?"

"If you aren't sleepy, I am free to listen." Ava crossed her hands. "But after you answer, you also gotta tell me the whole story."

"Then what about making popcorns?"

"Ohhhh, the tea is too hot, I swear."

"I might have to tell yall very weird things,too. Things that can blow your minds and make you think I am crazy or that I need more sleep."

"Have you killed someone? or someonesss??" Ava backed off. "I am joking."

"Now get me some popcorn and I will tell yall a story. Meanwhile, I will go out, smoke some cigs."

"be here in 10. I gotta hear everything from you."



"Are you for real?"

"Yeah" Shoko sighed. It was 8 in the morning. They were listening to Shoko's story for almost 6 hours. Well... Not both of them. Damian went to sleep at 4 because he had a work the next day.

"Wait. I need to sum up. So, Satoru is your ex, Suguru,your best friend. In Japan, there are 2 jujutsu schools and you all have powers?"

" Yes, kind of."

" So that's why when I accidentally spilled hot coffee on you, it got healed so soon."


"And when we were running in the rain for 2 hours and we all got sick, but you didn't, that was also your doing."

"Hmm." Shoko nodded.

"Ooohhh, so when I broke my ankle and it got healed in less than 1 week, It was also your doing, am I right?"

" yes."

"Dude, that's awesome. And here I thought I was unique bc the doctor looked at me like I wasn't normal human being. I was shocked myself how could a broken ankle heal in less than a week. After all, it was because of you."

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