6. Rage

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The sky outside was dark and it was getting just shy of midnight.

It was 9 p.m when Shoko opened her eyes. She slowly got up from the couch she was sleeping in. Shoko checked her phone, no calls, a simple message from Ava.

hey. Damian just called me. He said he needed my help. Is everything alright? he didn't get in trouble,did he?

"Oh, this is the old message, probably." she thought and checked the time the message was sent.

"Hey" Ava entered the living room. "I heard some noise and thought you woke up. How are you feeling?"

Shoko trailed her eyes towards her. "Okay, I guess" She slowly blinked her eyes.

"Uhmmm... You should be hungry, right? I made some porridge for you. It might not be to your liking, but I did my best" she said and looked around. "I am heating it up, wait here, I will bring it to you."

"Ava. I can walk to the kitchen. I am not a baby. And I wouldn't say no to food you made for, besides I am super hungry" she said.

"okay. Then I will help you to stand up"

"No. You don't have to. I can manage it. You take care of it. don't burn them"

"Oh, yeah. shit"

Shoko slowly stood up. Being in the bed for more than 2 days was kind of exhausting. She could barely maintain her stead.

"I will go wash up"

"okay. If you need anything, just call me"

"okay, momma"

When Shoko entered the bathroom, she straight up went to wash her hands and brush her teeth. After eating, she wanted to take a bath.

Shoko looked at herself in the mirror. Looking at her every part of her face. "Fuck" she lost some weight. Maybe, that's why Ava looked at her with worried expression, concerning, indeed. she left the bathroom and went in the kitchen.

"Try it, I think it needs more salt but I won't add unless you want to"

shoko tried the soup.

"It's good, chef"

"really? like, everything is balanced? it doesn't need anything?"

"no, it's delicious, really" she nodded and took second bite with bread.

"I am glad, I was nervous it would kill your mood if I fucked up"

Shoko chuckled. The soup was indeed good.

"You know... I love you and I care about you, Sho" Ava stared at her hands.

"I know. Why are you telling me that?"

"Because I want you to know the things I am doing for you is because I want the best for you"

"okay?" She paused. "Is everything alright?"

"... Yes. Yes, it is. now eat, it will get cold"

"Where is Damian?"

"At work"

"Oh speaking of that, What did the guys say? The manager?"

"Don't worry. Everything's fine. I have it under control. You don't have to worry about it"

"Thank you, Ava"

"No need, girl. Least I could do"

"So... what about him?"

"about who?" Ava asked confused but quickly figured out who she meant with "him".

"oh... don't mention him. I broke up with him and I reported him. The police said... you know what? just eat, we can talk about it later"

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