You and Me

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Authors Note: This is my first story! I hope you guys like it. Leave comments, Become a fan, Vote, and add to you're libraries :). By the way, this chapter's going to be kinda boring in some parts. Enjoy! :).

Song for the chapter: You and Me by Life House :)

"Hey." I said as I climbed into Alex's car. 

"Hey, who's house we going to?" He asked pulling out of the school parking lot.

"Erm...Austin's I guess, where is he anyway?" I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"He had a doctors appointment at two. Text him to see if he's home yet." Alex said pointing to my bag. I picked up my bag up off the car floor and dug through it till i found my Iphone. I went to my messages and saw Austin's name was at the top, because I had texted him last.

'Hey loser, you home?' I texted. I started reading some of our old messages. He always makes me laugh with our random ,pointless conversations. "Why you all smiley?" Alex asked. I hadn't even realized i was smiling. "Oh just our texts" I said giggling. As if on cue my phone started vibrating. Of course Austin's name was written across my screen. 'My house nerd :P' I laughed because I was wearing my red nerd glasses, superman shirt (Austin and I bought matching ones^_^), white shorts and red flip flops. 'K me and Alex are on our way over.' I replied. I threw my phone in my bag and turned a bit to face Alex.

"So, what do you want to do when we get to Austin's house?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't know about you, but I'm raiding his fridge." He said smiling. "OO me too, I'm starving!" I sad putting one arm across my stomach. "Then what?" He asked. "Hmmm... Basketball and a movie?" I asked with one eyebrow up. "Sounds good to me."

Before we knew it were pulling into Alex's driveway. (By the Way Austin and Alex are neighbors and I live about a block away.) I got out of the car and started making my way over the lawn to Austin's house. I opened up his front door like me and Alex do all the time.

"AUSTIN!" I yelled up the stairs. Michele yelled to me from the kitchen. "Hi Ariel, how are you?"  She asked in her sweet voice."Good, how are you?" I asked walking into the kitchen. "Fine, thanks for asking." She smiled. She was like my second mom and i was like her daughter.

"Is Alex with you?" she asked looking behind me. "Yeah, he's coming." As if right on cue Alex walked into the kitchen. "Hey." He said walking over to the fridge and opening it. "What do you want?" He asked looking over at me. "Uh, Red Bull and a pear please." I said. He got out a pear and a can of Red Bull and a water bottle and apple for himself. He handed me my snack and we headed for the stairs."See you Michele!" I yelled over my shoulder. "CIA Ariel! She back with laughter in her voice.

We went up the stairs and into Austin's room. He was on his laptop on Twitter. He looked up from the screen and smiled. "Hey." He said as he put his laptop beside him on his bed. "Heyyy." Alex and I chimed in. "Hungry?" He asked moving his finger from Alex's to my direction (hee hee One Direction :3. Sorry I just had to xD) a few times. "MMMaybe...." I said supressing a giggle. Austin just laughed and shook his head.

"Soooo..." Alex continued. "How about some basketball and a movie?" He asked Austin. "My idea.." I said under my breath and looking all around the room l hadn't said anything.

"Lies it was my idea." Alex scoffed.

"Was not!" I said playfully punching his arm.

"Prove it." He teased

"Don't have to Austin believes me, don'tcha Aust?" I said looking at Austin  for support. He started stroking his chin, and looking from me to Alex.

"I believe Ariel on this one bro." Austin said with laughter in his voice.

"Unbelieveable!!" Alex yelled and started laughing. Me and Austin just looked at eachother and laughed and he gave me a high five.

So, Thats the first chapter I know kinda boring. But don't worry i'll add another chapter tonight the story will get a lot better trust me :). Remember Vote, Add to your libraries, Become a fan all the fun stuff :). Comment what you think of my Fan-Fic. C:


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