Fight for Our Love

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Hey :)! Ima start updating everyday just for you guys! Vote please! Xx

Oh my god, just freaking ring already.

I thought to myself. I was in my last class of the day. I had ten minutes left and it was taking forever! I wrote down notes for Mr. Shimmels American history class to pass the time.


Finally!! I thought as I was the first one out of the room. I went to my locker and put in the combination and grabbed my Backpack after putting my binder and homework in it. I closed my locker and jumped when I saw Austin standing beside me behind my locker door.

"You freaking scared me!" I said laughing.

"Sorry babe." He smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"So are you coming over today?" He asked me.

"Yeah. I have to do my homework though." I sighed.

"It's okay. You can do it there. I have homework too." He said.

I nodded and threw my backpack over my shoulder. Austin put his arm around my shoulders as we walked in the hall, I blushed at the cute gesture. 'You look nice today." Austin said. "Thanks." I smiled looking down at my outfit. I was wearing a Burgundy jumper with a black cross on it and camo leggings, and black combat boots. I had my hair in a bun and but some mascara, eyeliner, blush, and lip gloss. I then took notice of what Austin was wearing. He was wearing a blue and red checkered shirt with jeans and Jordan's. He looked amazing as usual without even trying.


"YOU CHEATER!" I yelled.

"I didn't cheat!"

"Yes you did!"

"How could I cheat."

"I don't know you just did." I said throwing my Xbox controller.

(You guys thought something else didn't you haha comment if I gotcha :) )

Austin just laughed and shook his head. We've been playing Halo for about two hours now and Austin just broke my winning streak.

"I'm hungry." I said sadly.

"Of course you are." Austin chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean." I said pursing my lips so I didn't laugh.

"I uh... well um--...." Austin stuttered.

"I'm just kidding loser." I said playfully swatting his arm.

We got up and went to the kitchen and got some chips. When we got back into the living room Austin's phone started to ring. "Oh, um, wait here. I gotta take this." He said turning around going back into the kitchen. I sat on the steps and waited for Austin to come back.

"What?! He's not going to fucking touch her!" I heard Austin say harshly from the kitchen. Who was he talking about?

"I can't just leave her here............ Ok.................On my way......." I heard foot steps coming towards the stairs. Austin was heading into the living room when he looked at me sitting on the steps.

"Uh.... What was that about?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'll be back baby. Go up in my room and stay here." He said sternly.

"Ok..........." I said.

He hugged me and gave me a goodbye kiss.

"Wait where are you going?" I asked.

"Just stay here." He said as he walked out the door. I scoffed and went up stairs and grabbed my backpack. If he has the audacity to leave me here and not tell me where the hell he's going, I'm going home. And with that I  walked out into the chilled night and started walking towards my house.

It only took about 5 minutes to get there. "Hey sis. What are you doing, I thought you were staying at Austin's?" My mom asked when I walked into the kitchen to get a water bottle. "Eh, I don't know if I am." I said. She started to say more but I just blocked her out and went to my room. I got my laptop out and logged into my Facebook. There's nothing better to do anyway.

I looked at my notifications and clicked the first one. 'Danny Spencer has tagged you in a video' It read. Oh god. If it's of me it's probably embarrassing. But it wasn't me cause I noticed he tagged everyone in his friends list. I opened the video and watched the most aggravating and scariest video I've ever seen.

~Austin's P.O.V.~

I burst through this Danny kids front door reveling one of his parties he always throws. "Where the fucks Trevor!" I yelled once I found Zach and Robert.

"He's in the living room playing beer pong." Zach said. They followed me as I stormed into the living room and over to where everyone was playing beer pong.

As soon as I saw him I went right over to him and shoved him up against the wall by his shirt collar.

"What the fuck!! Why are you saying your going to get down Ariel's pants?! She's not like that especially with scum like you!" I boomed.

"Fuck you Mahone. Alls I do is use her just like you are." He spat.

I slammed him against the wall hard.

"I would never do that to her!! And the fuck your going to!" I yelled in his face.

He began to snicker. "I like a challenge Mahone."

I couldn't take it anymore, I threw a punch and hit him square in the jaw. I kept throwing punches till he was on the ground. Then I started kicking him in the stomach. I just lost control. Just the mere thought of Ariel getting hurt pissed me off to no extent.

"You... Piece of shit.... " I said  inbetween blows. I just kept hitting him till I was pulled off  by Zach.



"Man, your lips busted. We need to fix it up." Alex said when we were driving to his house with Zach and Rob in the back. "It's fine I gotta get back to Ariel." I huffed. I just wanted to be with her and make sure she was safe.

"Would you rather her see you like that and know you got in a fight?" Zach asked.

I sighed knowing he was right. Man, why couldn't fucking Trevor just fuck off so none of this would even be happening.

When we pulled up to Alex's we got out and walked in. I went up to the bathroom with Alex following. He got out a first aid kit and and cloth. He wiped the blood off and put on some ointment which stung like a bitch but I could care less right now.

When he was done I got off my seat on the counter and went out the front door and sprinted over to my house. When I walked in I called out for Ariel but got no respond.

She's probably sleeping. I thought.

I ran up the stairs and into my room to find it empty.

A/N Cliff hanger :p haha 15 VOTES FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER I'll try to update tomorrow so ya better VOTE! XX <3

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