Last First Kiss

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A/N Hey guys!! Just got home from school and I told you i'd update after so here ya go! :)


I woke up to my ever so annoying alarm clock. I rubbed my arms and cracked my back and got out of bed. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I walked back into my bedroom and walked over to my closet and pulled out my outfit for today: A Plain white t-shirt and black skinny jeans with zippers on the ankles and pockets, and my black high top converse. It's Monday I'm not to worried about being fancy. I brushed my hair and ruffled it because  I can't stand perfect hair!.. Is that weird...? Nahh lol I also teased it a bit but not to ware it was noticeable. I applied eyeliner and mascara when my phone started vibrating.


"Babe, I'm waiting outside come out when your ready." I heard Austin say on the other end.

"You can come in, I still have to eat."

"Okay coming." ]

And with that the line went dead. I looked in the mirror and nodded satisfied with my work. I got to the bottom of the stairs just as Austin was coming in. "Morning." He said hugging me. "Hey!" I said.

"Do you want anything to eat?" I asked him while getting a bowl of cereal. "No thanks. My mom made me pancakes this morning." He said politely. I nodded and sat down at the bar to eat. "Did you get the Algebra homework done?" I asked. "Yeah. You?" He said sitting next to me leaning on the heel of his hand. "Most of it. I can't figure out number seven." I sighed, I was never good at Algebra. It was the stupidest invention ever I swear. "Yeah here...." He trailed off getting his algebra homework out of his backpack. I got up and got mine from beside the door. I sat back down and got out a pencil and my homework. I copied down Austin's answers and thanked him. I hurried up and downed the rest of my cereal and told Austin I was ready.

We walked out to his car and drove to school. The car ride was silent, but it wasn't awkward. We were just tired.

We pulled into the parking lot and walked in hand-in-hand. We got a few dirty looks, mostly by Stephanine's friends. Whatever, Jealous much?

We walked to our lockers and went into homeroom together. We sat in the back with Robert and Tyler. After about a minute or so Mr. Jacobs took roll. Homeroom went by fast as always and Austin had science next while I had LA. We hugged and separated. I grabbed my reading book (which was currently Divergent), my red notebook, planner, and binder and headed  to Language Arts. I walked in and Mr. Cima took roll.

First period went by quickly and The next class was Gym. Which I had with Austin! I went into the locker room and changed into my shorts and black tshirt and walked out. We were playing knock out and me and Austin were pretty happy about that. It always comes down to Austin and I. We got into a line and everyone made Austin and I go ahead of them so we didn't get them out straight away. Austin shot first and made it in. Same with me and it went on like this till eventually, I actually won which doesn't happen as often. He let me win though I could tell. "No fair! You let me win!" I giggled. "Prove it!" Austin teased back. I stuck my tongue out at him and Mr. Glunt told us to hit the locker room. I quickly got changed and sprayed on some perfume and walked out. Austin was waiting outside of the locker room at the end of the hall.

We went to all our classes and the day quickly ended and I waited for Austin outside of school. I prayed that Trevor wouldn't show uo again. Which he didn't. I saw Austin and Zach walking towards me. "Ready?" Austin asked me. I nodded and gave Zach a hug telling him 'See you' and Austin dabbed him up. "We're not going straight home okay?" Austin asked pulling out of the car park. "Okay, where we going?" I asked nonchalantly. "It's a surprise." He said. I giggled and put my head phones on and listened to 'If it means a lot to you' by A Day to Remember, and 'Therapy' by All Time Low, and 'Terrible Things' by Mayday Parade. In the middle of 'Do it Now Remember it Later by Sleeping with Sirens, I must have fell asleep cause when I woke up Austin was shaking my shoulder. "Tired?" Austin asked smiling. "Cocaine's a hell of a drug." I said shaking my head. Austin burst out laughing "WHAT!" He said still laughing. "Just kidding I was up all night watching Naruto." I laughed. "Joselyn got  me hooked on anime. Well the good kind anyway." I continued. "There is no good anime. Just Pokemon" He laughed.

"Is to!" I deffended. "Whatever you say babe." He said helping me step down. I looked around and squeled. "OH MY GOD THE BEACH!" I said excitedly. Austin smiled and nodded "Mhmm".

"Crap, I don't have my swim suit!" I said slightly disappointed. "Didn't you?" He said pulling my bikini out of his bag . "Oh my god  Aust thanks!" I said hugging his neck and kissing his cheek.

"No problem baby." He said hugging my lower back.

I got changed in one of the changing tents and walked out and faced a shirtless Austin in Red swimming trunks. Oh my god... He's so sexy! My boyfriend is so hot! "Like what you see babe?" He said gesturing to himself. I felt my cheeks heat up. "Can  it Mahone." I laughed. "Oh you're going to pay for that!" He said. "What? No Austin don't--- AUSTIN!!" I laughed as he threw me over his shoulder and ran across the beach. " Austin my tops coming up!!" I whisper screamed.

He laughed. We reached the water and I screamed and wiggled like crazy. "Ow calm down!" Austin laughed. "Put me down!" I yelled/Laughed "Ok." He casually said and threw me into a wave. I broke threw the surface and wiped my eyes off. "You asshole I hate you!" I said playfully with laughter in my voice. "You know you love me." He said cockily. "Whatever I laughed swimming away further out to sea. We played in the water for a while and laughed the whole time. We finally got out and layed on our huge towel. "Today with you was amazing!" Austin said smiling cuddling up to me. "I know I had the best time." I agree'd.

"I really like you Ariel. I've liked you since that first day I saw you. I remember you had your Bulls hat on and a Nirvana shirt on." He said staring at me lovingly.

"Oh my god, you remember that?" I asked honestly stunned. He nodded. "I know it's a little soon, but I got something for you." He said sitting up. He pulled a red velvet box from his bag. "Here, Open it." He said handing it to me. I opened it up and my eyes started to water. I pulled out the silver necklace that had 'Austin" Written in cursive with a little red infinity sign at the end. "Oh  my god Austin. You didn't have to get me anything." I said. " It's okay, I get something in return." He said smiling. "Go onnnnn...." I said nervously. "Well, everyone does promise rings, so I decided to get you a promise necklace! You have to promise that we'll be together forever!" He said like a kid on Christmas. "Forever seems like a long time." I said and his smile faded a bit. "But." I continued. "I wouldn't mind spending it with you." I said. He smiled widely again. Without thinking, Austin and I leaned in at the same time and our lips connected. An eruption of butterflies erupted in my stomach and I felt Austin smirk into the kiss. We pulled away and I blushed. "Come on, It's a 45 minute drive back home and we have school in the morning." He said still smiling like a fool and pulling me up to stand with him. We drove back home and on the way back I couldn't stop thinking about one thing.

I just had my first kiss with my bestfriend/boyfriend Austin Carter Mahone. 

A/N YO! I know it was a bit boring at first but hopefully the end made up for it! XX <3 I'LL UPDATE TOMORROW LOVE YOU ALL!! 


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