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5 july,2023

"yea xander i'll be there"
"im not waiting at the airport for a minute"
"i'll be there xan" devin smiles putting her running shoes on
"can't wait to hug you real tight today"
"yea yea can't wait for you to finally be happy because im around"
"you're such a bitch" xander chuckles on the other end
"well im going for a run,then i'll get ready and go to the triplets before picking you up from the airport"
"can you not hang with them right before i land?"
"i wish i didn't have to go,but the project me and matt have been assigned NEEDS completion"
"the guy out the three you don't like?"
"well i guess i'll see you soon browne"
"bye xan,love you"

devin goes for a run before she showers and gets ready for the day.
a day which is about to start off rocky considering matts gonna pick her up to study for an hour with him.

im out

"hi" devin says getting in the passenger
"finally got a hi out of you"
"dont overdo it"
matt just tilts his head and starts driving

"matt i have to leave" devin says grabbing her stuff
"we're literally two pages away,can't you give 20 minutes"
"no i can't" she says rushing out the room
matt follows her downstairs as she picks up a call on the stairs
"xan,you'll have to wait a little"
"like 20-25-30 minutes" she continues squinting
"okay i'll be there" she cuts the call
"matt can you drop me to my house real quick"
"yea im the only one who can do that so"
"wait,can you possibly stop by the airport so that i can pick someone up?"
"why would i do that?" matt says grabbing his keys
"you know what forget i asked"

"the next time i come over for this paper,im driving to your house" devin says smoking beside matt
"whatever" matt says taking a turn
"where are you going?"
"to the airport" matt says looking towards the road
devin just sits back and takes a drag of her cigarette

"xander,i cant see you"
"okay then walk over"
"okay,okay i see you now" devin cuts the call waving to someone
matt has heard xanders name quite alot now,he's stalked him like crazy too
he watch as the tall guy comes closer to devin and almost knocks her out with all his force
"oh my god xan"
"i missed you so much idiot"

matts heart dropped(?)
he doesn't know why or how
but he sure does know that he doesn't like this xander guy.
at all.

"oh xander,this is matt" devin says as xander reaches his hand out to matt whos standing against the van
"oh yea one of the triplets you told me about,hes the one you don't get along with"
matt felt a little sting knowing that thats how devin perceives him.

devin not so surprisingly sits in the back with xander.
leaving matt feeling like an uber driver
"i saw your mom at the grocery store the other day" xander says taking a drag of his cigarette and passing it to devin.
matt pays very close attention to devins reaction from the view mirror
"she never grocery shops" devin says confused
"i know i was shocked too,but i didnt wanna mention  it because you were already worrying about her stuff"
"eh i don't give a fuck" devin says passing the cigarette to xander again
"yea right" xander says in a sarcastic way which makes matt raise his eyebrow
"well anyway,im so glad you're here xan"
"me too,couldn't go more than a month without your ass constantly annoying me" he laughs
"i'll make you meet my friends here,you're gonna love them"
"im sure i will"
"you're here" matt says interrupting them both
xander reaches his hand out to dap him up and thanks him for the ride

"MATT WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" nick shouts as he comes to matt at the door
"i just dropped devin to her house"
"what took you so long? we have to shoot a video"
"eh,im not feeling it today guys"
"what happened matt?" chris comes out the kitchen
"did devin do something? say something?"
"nothing guys i'm fine" matt says going to the kitchen to grab a redbull
"did she mention anything about a friend coming to boston?" matt asks his brothers.
he wants to know if theres a specific reason xander has come to visit devin.
it doesn't seem like it but who knows.
he doesn't like that guy.
matt can't get that out of his head.
"what friend?" chris asks
"a friend from texas,he's come to visit her" matt explains as he takes the can out of the fridge and heads to his room upstairs leaving the two boys hanging
chris and nick both were taken aback from how invested and concerned matt seemed for almost no reason



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caption: favourite mf is around

liked by: @thefunnytriplet,@pepsisbitch,@nickswife

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