All Everyone Does is Worry

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"Oh, home, let me come home
Home is wherever I'm with you"
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It had been multiple weeks since the earthquake, and Josephine was healing up just fine. She still had a terrible headache especially when she was in the sun for a long time, but despite that, her life was doing fairly well.

Her father still hovered over her when she would wince in pain, and she would always just brush it off.

"Joey, get up, you're going to Abuelos for the day." Her father knocked on the door to her bedroom and peeked in, causing her to groan and throw the blankets over her head. "Come on, Chris is already getting ready."

Chris and Dad had a special morning routine, which Eddie has tried to get Jo to join multiple times but she never seemed to fall into the rhythm.

Not that she didn't want to join, but she hated working out with them. To her it was embarrassing, so she opted out and went running around the neighborhood almost every night by herself with only her and her music.

Jo groaned and threw the blankets back and rose from her bed like a zombie. She rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes and checked the time.


She had 30 minutes to get ready, allowing them to leave at 8, her dad drops the two off at 8:10, and he gets to the firehouse at 8:25.

As she stood up to choose her outfit for the day she could not wipe the tiredness out of her. She was exhausted, probably from the multiple nightmares and crazy dreams she had last night, which she assumes is a symptom of the concussion.

She grabbed her outfit for the day and made her way to the bathroom to get ready but stopped when she saw the two boys brushing their teeth.

She threw her head back in annoyance. "For once, I would like to use the bathroom first." She muttered and walked back into her room to change in there.

Once the boys finally left the bathroom she was already halfway ready. All she had to do was her hygiene and fix her hair, which took her about 7 minutes.

She walked out to the kitchen and sat down at the table next to Chris and her dad, with a bowl in front of her. She laid her head on the table with her hands laying with her. A yawn crept out causing her to shut her eyes and keep them shut for a few seconds before her father shook her awake.

"Hey, cheerios or fruit loop?"

"Cheerios." She opened one eye to watch as her father set the two boxes on the table and then turned to get the milk. She eyed Chris as he poured his cereal way past the line causing the father to snatch his bowl and split the two.

Eddie poured both his and Chris's milk before sliding it over to the teen who still was lying on the table. "Josephine, despierta y come." Eddie softly kicked her leg under the table causing her to jolt up and rub her eyes once more. (Josephine, wake up and eat)

She poured barely any cereal into her bowl along with a little milk and stuck her spoon in it.

"That's all you're eating?" Her father asked her, getting a small nod back.

Jo doesn't know what it is but she's been struggling to eat lately. Not that she minded, since she noticed herself looking slightly slimmer. But it definitely could be due to the concussion.

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