9. There's the Chaotic, and there's the Gold Hearted

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Reading time: 17 minutes

Warning: swears, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar
TW: W.S. is mentioned


"—and then I punched him in the face, and that's how I got this!" Tommy ended his story with a Hamilton pose, the biggest grin imaginable decorating his face as he held the plastic gun high up.

"You punched him?" Rumi raised a brow at him.

He blinked, "W-well, yeah! Anyway, then, I started shooting at the guy and just as I was about to finish him off, one of the ninja kicked down the door! They tackled the Crab weirdo to the ground and we talked" Tommy smiled, jumping down onto the couch and sitting next to the girl.

The guitar he bought was set down, leaning against the couch's side, as soon as he got home, everything was wet. Just as Tommy set foot outside the music shop it started raining, he may or may not have run all the way home to avoid most of the damage, he still didn't go unscratched though, or unwetted in this case.

As soon as he changed into something, you know, not wet and fixed his hair, which was now only a little damp, he went to tell Rumi about his adventure.

I mean, holy hell, he just got himself a gun, of course he had to tell somebody!

"So you 'recruited' them?"

"Yes!" Tommy exclaimed proudly. "Earth said they'll see what they can do"

The girl hummed in acknowledgement, then the front door opened and in walked a rather sad looking blond. Rumi furrowed her brows, "What are you doing here? School's not over yet"

"Leave me alone"

Tommy blinked.

Woah, what happened to this guy? He sounded so... drained.

The two looked after the teen as he passed through the corridor until he disappeared behind the wall, Rumi stared some more before turning to the TV as if nothing happened. Tommy wasn't really happy with that. "What's up with 'im?"

The girl shrugged, "Beats me. But it's not like he would tell me, nor do I really care"

"You don't care about your brother?" Tommy furrowed his brows. Surely she was joking, she had to be. He himself would never admit out loud he cares for Wilbur to the amount he does but that didn't change the fact he do care a shit-ton. (He looked at the place where the guitar was for a quick second)

"I don't care to ask" She corrected herself. "As I said, he wouldn't tell me, so there's no point in wasting my time on this shit" The spider resting on top of the backrest hissed, in agreement, Tommy assumed.

It seem fair of an answer. And it satisfied the blond, for now at least.

But the weirdly cold atmosphere kicked his good mood to the ground, all the enthusiasm he had long forgotten as he was left with a bad taste in his mouth.

The silence became awkward.


He almost let out a relieved breath once he heard his God friend. "Yeah?"

"You were supposed to watch YouTube videos to find some good songs, remember?"

TommyInnit da star: Tommy in Ninjago (MovieVerse)Where stories live. Discover now