18. I swear I seen this somewhere...

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Reading time: 12 minutes

Warning: swears, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar


After learning all about LID in under three hours, Tommy understood why the two were so hyped about the legendary heroine.

She. Was. Amazing!!

Now Kai was stuck with three LID enthusiasts.

Back at Koko's apartment Harumi had a similar problem, with Tommy talking non-stop about the woman with an undying passion. "Tommy, for the love of literally everything, can you shut up for a minute!?"

The blond glared at the girl, oh the disrespect!

For the first time in his life, he took the hint and went to bug his host mom instead. To his delight, Koko was more than happy to listen to his bickering, smiling ear to ear at his praises directed towards the heroine.


Wednesday passed without a problem. In the morning he was met with the same surprise as the previous day – Lloyd interacting with him in the morning, maybe he shouldn't be so surprised by this, they were living with one another for like three weeks now but the green eyed blond seem to avoid him up until that one time about 24 hours ago.

Tommy did see Danny the Dick in passing, but they never interacted so it was a great success.

Overall, it was just like any other day he had to work for Mystake.

On Thursday he may or may not gave himself a paid day off, all in good faith, of course! He needed to test his Borg-Tech, it shouldn't take him too long but it's better to be safe than sorry, and he wasn't about to reveal Sonu's café before the grand re-opening. He packed his gadgets into his backpack and went on his merry way to the skatepark he learned about thanks to Water.

"Why go to the skatepark if you won't skate?"

"I have skates!"

"This... doesn't seem safe. Especially if you're going to hold a camera in one hand"

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

"You're going to land in the hospital just before your grand stream"

Okay, yeah, that didn't sound like a great idea...

He had time to think over what he was and wasn't going to do a vlog about once he reaches his destination. Arriving at the place his plans were quickly thrown out the window as he saw Dan again! Blade, was he looking for Tommy?

"It's a public space, Theseus"

"Fuck it. Maybe they have some abandoned warehouses in the area?" With that thought the blond quickly turned on his heels and started walking away in search for something interesting to get on camera. Out of boredom it ended with him getting his phone out and recording a short video for TikTok. "Guys, I got this new camera and I wanted to test it out, but there's a bitch in the spot I picked. Soooo, now I'm going into the woods. Hope to find something cool. Wish me luck! Long time no see, by the way" As Tommy looked up from his screen he saw few people staring at him, again.

TommyInnit da star: Tommy in Ninjago (MovieVerse)Where stories live. Discover now