1. The plane crush

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Reading time: 12 minutes

Warning: swears, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar
TW: Blood


"Ah..." Tommy smiled to himself laying on his seat, legs crossed, black sunglasses on and a can of coke in his hand. This truly was something.

He was living his best life. If someone had told him three years ago that he would be so famous and own a whole plane he'd think that person was mental, yet here he is! Flying home in his own god damn plane! And now that he ended season one of Dream SMP he had all the time in the world to himself. He could focus on other things without stressing himself with writing plot for his character! Isn't life just amazing?

Tommy was scrolling through his phone exchanging text messages with his friends taking a sip from his coke from time to time. Suddenly the whole plane shook causing him to furrow his brows. He raised his glasses. "Everything 'lright?"

"My apologies, there appears to be—" his private pilot was cut off by another violent shake and a nasty sound of scratching metal. "...a bit of a problem. We were hit, Mr. Simons"

"Hit? By what?" Tommy was completely bewildered. Why would someone hit them!?

"It's... hard to explain, sir. I think it would be better if you see it for yourself..." The pilot pointed to a relatively big shark themed mech throwing something similar to bath bombs. Tommy's jaw dropped.

What. Was. That!?

He had so many questions roaming through his head yet so little time and no one who could possibly answer them for him. So he just kinda... stood there.

That wasn't for long thought, the pilot quickly stood up and run outside grabbing him along the way as one of the 'bath bombs' was thrown their way. Tommy barely set his foot outside the crushed plane when the bomb hit it causing a big, loud explosion and setting it on fire. Tommy was thrown forward with a strength he had never felt before, he soon landed a few feet away hitting the ground hard. He groaned feeling hot pain all over his body, but mostly his head and legs. His vision became blurry and the fact that everything was spinning wasn't helping either. He was almost certain he heard screaming but it was distant, as if his head was underwater, though the ringing in his ears stated otherwise. He smelt fire and something burnt, but worst of all he could taste blood.

Iron sweet, red liquid slowly make its way down his face letting him know how the explosion managed to damage him.

He lightly turned his body, groaning some more and cursing in pain as he did so, finally gaining some space between his face and the now blood covered ground. Tommy looked at the red, wet spot cringing in disgust, he then whimpered in pain as his broken nose decided it was the best moment to officially make its presence known.

Then, throughout all the chaos he heard a voice close to him. "Water, Ice, I need a little help. There's two people, one of them is a teenager..." Tommy froze, slowly he opened his eyes again and looked at the figure before him. He blinked a few times hoping to clear his vision. "He's conscious, but I don't think that'll be for long", the voice sounded slightly irritated but there was a small line of worry to it. Tommy moved his head ever so slightly. Soon the fully black figure kneeled down. "Hi buddy, don't worry, the help has arrived. I'm going to pick you up, alright?"

He wanted to protest but the figure's soft demeanor made him feel like he truly was in good hands. Those hands slowly, and as carefully as a mother holding her child for the very first time, went under his upper torso gently lifting it up and then under his knees as he was completely lifted of the ground without much pain.

TommyInnit da star: Tommy in Ninjago (MovieVerse)Where stories live. Discover now