12. Witch's den

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Reading time: 11 minutes

Warning: swears, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar
TW: W.S. is mentioned


Next morning was way better than the last one. Tommy didn't have a fever in the middle of the night, his throat hurt him just a little bit and, let's be honest, sneezing is normal enough for people who aren't sick that it couldn't possibly be a tell on whether or not somebody was sick.

Allergic maybe, but sick? Oh no, you can't feed him that bullshit.

Tommy had a secret thought that maybe, just maybe, the tea he was drinking yesterday was magical, some kind of tea-medicine perhaps? Either way, he was feeling better so Koko didn't have to worry about him (spoiler alert: she did anyway) and could have a break from all the mess in her life.

The blond pretty quickly realized what had happened the other morning, and that now the woman had only one job.


"Not your fault"

True, if they paid her shit they didn't even deserve her!

Maybe living with only one job when two were barely giving you enough to live wasn't the greatest thing in the world but hey, Tommy was there! He can help! In fact, he was already long on the way to help!

"You sure you're okay?" The other blond asked as Tommy was putting on his shoes.

"Mhm! Don't worry, a common cold can't beat me that easily"

Rumi turned to her brother with a bored expression, "Since when do you care so much?"

Lloyd glared at her. "Since when do you care?"

"Touché. Is this really necessary?" She looked at Tommy with a raised brow, eyeing both the gun and the guitar.


"Is it?"


The girl sighed, "Whatever you say, Tommy..." She opened the door, the teen immediately sprinted out and she followed him downstairs in her own pace.

Tommy bounced in excitement, if this mission is a success Sonu's café would be saved as soon as he would mention the magical drinks. I mean, he – TommyInnit, would mention a one in a lifetime café which can sell you fucking drugs! It's the most 'on-topic' thing in the entire universe!

People. Would. Go. Crazy!

When the girl reached the bottom of the stairs she send Tommy a look, silently telling him to stop being a weirdo (Techno was so nice and said it out loud just to make sure the teen got the memo). The blond rolled his eyes and the two, and Zippy, walked towards Mystake's tea shop. Tommy was constantly looking around, trying to remember the way, chances are he would visit the woman more often.

"Slim chances"

"Those are still chances"

The trip was uneventful (maybe Tommy was only getting into trouble while being alone), soon enough they entered the shop. Mystake eyed them, and a second later a bright smile lighten up her face, "Tommy! What brings you here?"

TommyInnit da star: Tommy in Ninjago (MovieVerse)Where stories live. Discover now