21. Gearing up

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Reading time: 33 minutes

Warning: swears, cursed humor, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar


Explaining everything was hard.

And it cost Tommy a fine party.

(A party that never happened and got replaced by a very serious Secret Ninja Force meeting the second the blond announced he can't attend it.)

First, Tommy had to introduce his friends to each other, explaining how Tubbo was legally his husband, making the mentioned boy groan in annoyance.

Then, he had to get them all a hotel room as 'It was his responsibility since he was the reason they all got "stuck" there'. Okay, Tubbo, you're a bigger bitch than Tommy thought. He couldn't just leave them there though, he just got them back! So he ended up moving into the hotel with them, which left him needing to explain the situation to Koko as well.

After getting everything in place, and checking up on Zero with the blond conveniently picking the same hotel the man was in, the four gathered in their room. Tommy's eyes kept on jumping from one teen to the other, waiting for some damn answers!

As it turned out, the answers only left him more confused.

1) Apparently the God jokes weren't really jokes, this information on its own had Tommy question his own sanity and whether or not this whole thing was made up. Maybe after the place crash he landed in the hospital and never woke up, his brain making up everything he had seen, heard and experienced thus far, also altered his memory of said accident.

But, seriously, a coma?

It felt a little too real...

Anyway, with the first point out of the way, the girl moved on to point 2) How she and the other two magically appeared in Ninjago City? The answer is actually hidden in the question itself – they magically appeared; teleported from Ranboo's office to be exact, by Drista herself.

Tommy started questioning whether this is all a video game of some sort. I mean, Drista as a God was known from using creative mode in Minecraft, which is a video game.

And he couldn't lie, the idea was better than the coma one. And almost thrilling...

But then again, how the hell would Tommy end up inside of a video game world anyway?

Well, the answer is in point 3) the so-called Portals, one of which Tommy and his plane fell into.

Or flew through.

Something he shouldn't be able to do but, well, I guess he's Tommy and didn't care enough to follow the rules, slipping through to another realm with superheroes in it.

Okay, this was actually pretty pog and didn't cause Tommy any reality crisis.

...What? Superheroes are cool!

4) Gods can apparently pick champions. From what Tommy understood from Drista's explanation, it's, in short, favoring one person – talking to them, giving gifts, making sure they don't get hurt, ect.

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