30. Party!

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Reading time: 50 minutes

Warning: swears, cursed humor, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar
TW: drinking (included underaged drinking)

Just to be crystal clear, I don't encourage underage drinking. I don't even like alcohol really! Most of the characters that are drinking ARE of age. We good? 'Kay


The two husbands convinced Mystake to show them the heavily protected prism (needless to say Rumi was not happy with that). Just as the name suggests, it was a clear gemstone that reflected light, splitting it into all the colours of rainbow and generally looking really pretty. This, unfortunately, was as far as they got though.

To Tubbo's utter disappointment, they couldn't even test it!

Getting back, they were met with quite the surprise, in form of their friend actually reading the damn encyclopedia! "You had one job, Boo! One fucking job!" Tommy groaned, feeling they only managed to get more questions.

"I learned something" They quickly said in defense, giving the blond a light-hearted glare before going back to the lecture. "A lot of things actually. If I didn't get into this as much as I did, we would've solved everything probably too late. Or never"

Tommy crossed his arms, not that he didn't believe his friend, this day was just tiring and full of disappointment. "Oh yeah? So what did you learn?"

"First of all, I found out that four out of six ninjas have what's called the Elements of Creation"

Tubbo squinted his eyes, "Isn't Creation an element on its own?"

"It is, but within it there are the elements of Ice, Lightning, Fire and Earth. Supposedly, this world was created by those four, thus earning the title"

The two blue eyed teens glanced at each other, then at the masked teen, then at each other again. Finally, Tommy spoke, "Ice, Lightning, Fire and Earth? But I always thought the main four were Fire, Earth, Water and Air"

"Listen, I ain't the God here" Ranboo said flatly.

Tubbo snort. "Understandable. Please, continue"

"Wind and Water actually originated from one element - Storm, which came from some sea serpent. I'll spare you the confusing details and get straight to what I found after a quick deep web dive—"

"You searched the dark web!?" Tommy screamed, cutting him off.

"Deep web. Two different things" The masked teen corrected. "Anyway, I managed to find the tree of registered Wielders of Storm, Water and Wind. Turns out Smith siblings and Morro are cousins" He made a pause, looking at the two for any reaction. When none came, he hummed and continued, "Maya's the old Elemental Wielder of Water, and she had a sister who was the Wielder of Wind"

"They're dead, aren't they?" Tubbo asked, already suspecting the answer.

"Morro's biological parents? Yes..." Ranboo frowned, letting out a saddened sigh.

"...Do we wanna know how...?"

They shook their head. "Not important. I only mentioned it because of Maya. You see, as much as Elemental Powers pass onto the children, that doesn't mean the parent literally gives it up"

Tommy's eyes sparkled. "You're saying she still has hers?"

Ranboo gave a small nod. "It would be weaker than Nya's, but yes"

TommyInnit da star: Tommy in Ninjago (MovieVerse)Where stories live. Discover now