Reading time: 14 minutes
Warning: swears, cursed humor, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar
"It says here we need to add 'shimmering toad legs'...? What are we even brewing???" Ranboo – wearing a doctor's coat and chief's hat on their head – looked away from the recipe and at the two teens looking around in the bag for the thing.
"What do you mean 'what are we brewing'? It's literally written on that paper you're holding!! Stop asking stupid questions and read the rest... AHA!" Tommy – wearing pixelated sunglasses, plastic gloves and having a colander on his head, two pillows tied around his torso with a stray cloth the mask teen had on them for some fucking reason – complained before pulling out a plastic bag full of shimmering legs.
Tubbo – with an apron, some building googles, wearing oven mittens and a box over his head – squinted his eyes, "These look more like frog legs to me"
The blond suppressed a facepalm. "Frogs, toads, what's the damn difference?"
"There is a difference if we want this to work properly" The tallest teen complained, not liking how he dismissed the tiny detail.
"You didn't even know what this potion is supposed to do a second ago!" Tommy crossed his arms, sending a glare at his friend in annoyance.
"I know I don't want to turn into a toad!"
"Just read the damn recipe, Ranboo. What do we do with the legs?" Tubbo urged, done with the useless fight.
They looked down at the paper, a semi-confused look on their face as they said, "It doesn't say"
Tubbo groaned. "What kind of recipe juts says the ingredients and doesn't tell you what to do with them!?"
Tommy let out a short laugh. "Still goin' to blame me for turning you into a squirrel?"
"Until my dying day"
At this point Ranboo gave up, placing the paper down on the floor and getting up, the hat quickly being taken off. "Where're you going?" Tommy asked, using such a tone one would assume he was accusing the other of some horrid crime.
"To get us some food. I have a feeling we're going to spend the whole day in here..." He muttered, throwing the hat on the floor without much thought, the coat following soon after. "Any wishes?"
"Get me that chocolate fountain and I'll fucking kiss you" Tommy shot them his best flirtatious smile.
They only spared him an unamused glance. "Tubbo?"
"If you do get us that fountain, I'll shove whatever we'll brew down his throat" The oldest teen smiled mischievously, his smile only grown once the blond's head snapped towards him and he shot him a betrayed look.
Ranboo sighed. "Anything I can actually get you, guys?"
"Some fucking support would be great..." Tommy growled, still glaring at the shorter brunet.
The teen decided it would be better if he chose the food himself. He walked out of their room, putting the mask on and walked down the hall to the elevator. When he arrived at the mechanical door there was one person already waiting, seconds later the door opened letting the both of them in. Less than a minute later the elevator reached the ground floor and everyone, Ranboo and two other people, walked out and went their separate ways.

TommyInnit da star: Tommy in Ninjago (MovieVerse)
FanfictionAfter spending a few days in Jimmy's new secret base in Antarctica Tommy flies back to Brighton on his newly bought plane. Only problem is, he didn't expect crushing along the way. Now he has to wait for his plane to get fixed while he learns about...