5. A proper host meeting... with a twist

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Reading time: 12 minutes

Warning: swears, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar

Tommy woke up with a spider on his face...

Is this the new norm!?

Anyway, this time was better than the last one because he felt no pain, but still was annoyed as hell. A sense of dread washed over him when Koko, thank Blade not working on Sunday, told him they were going to have guests. He wasn't necessary scared but his mind flashed to his little talk with Rumi... earlier that day. And what does 'family dinner' mean exactly? Was the shark guy coming too? Was Mystake coming? Specify the details people!

Tommy, left in the dark on who's coming to the small apartment, took care of himself in form of watching Scooby-Doo movies. Maybe that's a random thing to do but it was quite entertaining and kept him sane before he was able to meet the invited person... Well, technically people but it turned out he knew one of them.

Sometime around 16 there was a knock on the door, Tommy peeked his head through the doorframe as he saw Koo rush to them. In stepped two people, Morro and some old looking man with a long ass white beard and Chinese hat. So not Mystake, Wu, if Tommy remembered correctly. "Welcome Wu!" Bingo.

The man smiled. "Hello Misako"

Wait, what? Mrs. Koko is Mrs. Misako!? Was Tommy a douche all this time!? He started to freak out. No, Koko wanted him to drop the 'Mrs' title so surely she also didn't mind being called, well, 'Koko' this was how she introduced herself after all. Then he noticed a pair of warm brown, almost golden, eyes staring at him. Oh fuck...

Tommy quickly stopped peeking realizing he was caught red-handed, which ironically his shirt at the time was in fact that exact color, it wasn't his iconic shirt but it was red, it was yet again Terraria themed. "You are Tommy, am I correct?" He humped slightly with a short yelp as he heard the man's voice close to him, looking up he was meet with his warm smile.

"Uh, y-yes..." Tommy quickly composed himself by a light cough. "Nice meeting you, sir" He outstretched his hand towards him.

Wu, Tommy fucking knew his name but still refused to let that slip his mouth as he shouldn't know that, chuckled a bit shaking his hand. "Wu is enough. Misako mentioned you're very polite"

"I'm starting to regret that decision..." Tommy whispered to himself unaware that he actually said that out loud, that is until he heard another short laugh. "Shit, sorry. Shit! I mean—!" He covered his mouth with his hands to stop words, mostly swears, from slipping even more.

"It's fine, happens to the best of us" Wu reassured him with a smile while putting a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "It's nice meeting you"

"You too... Wu" The man smiled and left him alone. For a minute Tommy thought it was weird that he didn't introduce the teen to him, as far as Wu knew they haven't met each other.

Or did he?

Tommy felt his palms getting wet with sweat and how his throat closed itself for a second in a sudden panic reaction.

Nahhh, that couldn't be that. Morro wouldn't tell him since he was the one that seemingly wanted to keep that a secret.

TommyInnit da star: Tommy in Ninjago (MovieVerse)Where stories live. Discover now