25. Long-distance teamwork

36 1 2

Reading time: 27 minutes

Warning: swears, cursed humor, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar
TW: blood


"So, let me get this straight. You joined a search party, then Boo got a magical compass that points to where the person you were trying to find is, and since it would be pretty sus, you decided it's best if you get your costumes so at least one of you can handle this as a vigilante, but the person who is in charge of making said costumes in not home, so you decided to break in like thieves. Now, Ranboo is off all on his own, without anyone knowing where they are in case something bad happens, while you snoop around..." Tubbo summed up, giving the device in front of him a deadpan look as if it was his two besties.

"Thought you oughta know" Tommy said, even without seeing him Tubbo knew he shrugged as if it was nothing. Just another dreadful day in this cursed realm...

"Just don't set anything on fire..."

The blond on the other end huffed, "And what're you gonn' do about it? You have no power here! And you know what else you don't have?" He paused for a second, the smirk all too easy to hear in his voice.

Tubbo rolled his eyes. "The Blade?"

"The Blade!"

"You, on the other hand, are gonna get jailed"

"Yeah, yeah. Soooo, how's work goin'?"

"It would definitely go better if someone wasn't distracting me with their crimes" He growled out of annoyance. It was hard to focus on the tech with one hand glued to his ear and someone talking about something he was genuinely interested in. "So, you know, when I eventually bail you outta jail, be sure to remember that and pay for me every time until we get out of this realm, hm?"

"Oh, Hubby. If you're broke you should've just said so!" Tommy cooed. Before he could add anything Tubbo ended the call and slammed his phone onto the desk, praying it didn't fucking break.

He cleared his throat, slowly turning to the android girl. Cyrus went to explain his delivery guy in the other room, leaving the two to talk. The more they spend together, the less she was scaring him. "You're a second degree witness now"

Pixal laughed. "Shall we continue?"

"Yes, please"

"You'd want to connect these two wires" She pointed, he gave her a nod and followed the advice.


Ranboo run as he followed the compass, it seem like the only reasonable choice while wearing (part of) his vigilante costume. They weren't running necessary fast, it was just barely above speed-walking but it would do. It's not like he wanted to get tired and need to take countless breaks. If you ask him, he'd say he was doing pretty good, they managed to avoid bumping into things without having to stop running so it was definitely something to be proud of.

They run in a straight line, at this rate if the man was kidnapped Ranboo could only guess they'll eventually end in the kidnapper's (kidnappers'?) hideout, which sounded like they should definitely have someone there with them. Unfortunately, it was a little too late for this kind of observation.

If the straight line was the first bad sign, then him having to enter the forest was the second. Ranboo stopped just before the forest line, hesitating.

TommyInnit da star: Tommy in Ninjago (MovieVerse)Where stories live. Discover now