{0} - Shackles // Liberation | Ausbruch und Wiedergeburt

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"Don't run, Tsun Ren."

"Running away will never help you."

"Leaving your problems behind will only drag you down more."

"So face all your burdens, and conquer them all!"

"You hear me, son?"

"Yes, father."


In a different megaverse (Not Y/N L/N's)

Earth (Version ???)


Gabriel's POV


"Yes, Commander!" I silently cursed under my breath. "Sorry, father. Your son has failed you... ah , if mom was still alive, she's going to hunt me down to the ends of the earth with a slipper-enhanced broom attached to a frying pan..."

"What are you still standing there for?! The enemy's right behind us!"

"Oh, yes! Yes! Wait. Oh shi-"


A grenade landed right behind us, covering a few of our teammates in that explosion. It was at this moment that I knew - we're screwed.


With a scream that sounded through the heavens, I bolted away from the battlefield behind me.

"Hey, Gabe!" My partner, Yvonne, ran beside me with her revolvers on her waist and two submachine guns in her hands. "Isn't it a great day so far? I've shot down 3 govvies today!"

"No, it is not a wonderful day!" I wailed in terror. "Any day that I'm forced to run from grenades is not a wonderful day!"


You may be wondering how a nerdy and geeky otaku introvert like me ended up in a civil war that has now somehow devastated the entire Eurasian continent. And I for sure do not want to talk about it.

I, Gabriel Tsun Ren Woo, was a simple kid who just loved to game. Ah, the peaceful days back then. It was so nice. My dream was to become a gaming streamer that will impact the world one day just like the gacha games I play and the waifus I collected, but obviously that ship has sailed - far.

A corrupt government in my country somehow managed to stir up a rebellion so large, it turned a civil war into a semi-world war, with over 40 countries participating in this somewhat meaningless fight - how did we even get here???!!!

Everyone in my country was either forced to fight for the rebellion or the government - luckily, I was recruited by the rebels first. However, it's not like their demands are any worse - you fight or your family dies. Now, my family's quite supportive of me, so they told me to go to the battlefield and not mess it up for the honour of our family. Yeah, real supportive, guys.

And after two years since 2033, here we are, still locked in a tight battle-

"Sergeant Woo~"


"Sergeant Woo~oo~oo~oo~oo-"

"Yes! What is it, Yvonne?"

"Just trying to tell you that reinforcements have arrived and you can stop running now."


We immediately stopped and turned back before opening fire on all the marching soldiers and mech-like robots that invaded our territory, with Yvonne covering for me while I sniped off a few hidden targets. Yvonne, my partner, is probably one of the top fighters in the city right now. With an uncanny ability to wield up to four guns at once, she almost reminds me of a scarlet tsundere - but she has the vibe of a gyaru instead.

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