{4}- Reason & Reunions | America

461 28 5

Gabriel POV

So... how did things become like this?

How did things become like what?

I muttered in my mind while I returned from my little escapade. By knocking over a wardrobe, and tricking the staff at an accessory shop, I opened their cash register, and took out 50 dollars before leaving it on their desk and taking a nice cap and sunglasses with me. This is 1955, so security cameras don't really exist yet - leaving any charges towards me unfounded.

Yeah, this looks great on you, Welt.

Did you just steal that?

Well, if we save the world later, we'll repay it in full.

What are you even talking about! Put it back!

I will find a very good reason to put you in a dangerous situation which will make Tesla slap the shit out of you.



Why must you always use Tesla as a weapon of choice? 

Quick, efficient, deadly. 

You make the low EQ 21-year-old sound like an action movie star.

Eh, maybe she could become one one day.

Are you serious?



Finn stood there with 6 paper bags on his shoulders, obviously from the girls' shopping spree. I can't blame them, my mom used to take a lot of things at airports, too. Duty Free shops just seem to catch her interest - is saving taxes a discount? Yes. Asian lifestyle - if it ain't on discount, don't buy it. Unless you can make the discount yourself - through various means: eloquence, scams, threats, etc.

"What reason is there to shop like this?" Welt groaned as he took a sip of his Coca-Cola.

"Do you really need a reason to go shopping?" Finn smiled at him while pulling up the bags a little. "What's more is that the duty-free shops here are indeed much cheaper than those in London."

"Is this perhaps why Dr. Tesla is such a *big spender?" *A/N: The Chinese term used in the VN was 'Moonlight Group' (lit. TL), which in Chinese slang refers to people who spend their money as soon as they get their monthly pay. Tesla is one of such people.

"You're half correct. I've heard that she's also been addicted to delivery orders recently, so much so that she bought a lot of unnecessary things."

"Dr. Einstein must've worked so hard to put up with her..."

"Haha, that's where you're wrong." Finns chuckled. "Don't you think it's precisely because there's people like Tesla that life is more interesting?"

True. Her face made a great easel.

You shut up. But I do agree with you.

Rude. You owe me five minutes of control time now. I'm adding that to your debt.

What the hell-

Welt only gave an exasperated face to Finn in response.

"Don't look on them girls. If you're too rigid, you won't be able to find your other half in the future, okay?"

"...Hah, you don't need to worry about that."

Maybe he should.

He definitely does not.

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