{14}- Reason & Overseer | End of the Line

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After a long stargazing session, it's only natural to take a dip into the sauna and hot springs. 

What's not natural is the blonde haired man right in front of Welt.

"How have you been, Ω1?"

"Y-You're the one that sent me the letters...!"

"Ah. Indeed I am. 'Clown α', that I am. But, now that we're meeting face to face, I believe proper introductions are in order. My name is Otto Apocalypse. The current Overseer of Schicksal."

Welt froze on the spot. He wasn't exactly sure how to approach this situation, and there was a strong urge to bolt out of the door. Gabriel had warned him of this man. But perhaps he is of no harm for now.

"Well, don't just stand there. How about you come in, and join me in the warm water?"

"Otto... Apocalypse?" Welt feigned innocence, trying to push Gabriel's previous warnings out of his head for the time being to prevent any suspicion.

"Hahaha. That's right, me in the flesh. The genuine article. Otto Apocalypse. However, in this organization, no one's really bold enough to mention my name, haha."

Could he be the person H.A. spoke of in the soulium recording? But... wasn't H.A. from 100 years ago? Then is he... like the second or third generation of the family or something? After all, he looks incredibly young...

Gabriel... are you there? 

No one echoed an answer to Welt's question, but he could sense Gabriel nearby.

Hmm... maybe he's in the room next door. 

"I'm sure you've heard some nasty rumours about me." Otto said as he observed the discomfort on Welt's face. "Some of them are grounded in truth, but others are complete hearsay... just smoke and mirrors. But none of that really matters. I didn't come here today as the Overseer - but, if you and I were to fully trust each other, we should stop using pen names, in case it ever gets too formal."

"W-What... are you going to do?"

"Oh, my dear friend, you need not be anxious. Ha, now is probably not the time for me to be speaking like a playwright and tease you for the fun of it. I believe it'll calm your nerves if I clearly state my intentions - so let me do just that. I want you, Welt, to be Otto Apocalypse's successor. In other words, I'll foster and guide you so that, once I retire, you'll be able to become the next overseer of Schicksal. What do you say to that?"

"Wha... what?!"

"Ah. Indeed, I must've given you quite the fright, going straight to the jugular like that. But you must know... the Apocalypses was never a family held back by mere blood ties. From the ancient past to the present, our family has constantly adopted some of the most promising and talented people on this planet. So... if you are willing, today can be the day you join the family, change your surname, and become my sworn brother."


"Making such a request on our first meeting, I must imagine that you are utterly confused. However, speaking from my perspective, as the head of the Apocalypse family, I've been observing you for a very, very long time. I believe that you, the exact opposite of me, will grow to become a truly great leader."

"The opposite? What do you mean by that?"

"Hahaha... your points of focus and the things you pay attention to are unlike anyone else's. To put it bluntly, I believe I am a failure of an Overseer. The reason why I became the Overseer, was based entirely upon my own desire - but that's besides the point. Today's important point is that I want to have a successor who truly possesses a great gift."

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