{12}- Reason & Vacation | Gabriel's Cognizance

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Location: Mindscape



Gabriel Tsun Ren Woo...


Hit the deck! Enemies to starboard! All personnel, return fire-

Good job, Gabriel! That's four planes down! Six more in the area-

Sup, newbie? My name's Yvonne, what do you say about fighting together from now on?

War is coming. They'll never stop at anything to achieve their goal. You'll do best to pledge your allegiance to us, lest you and your family gets annihilated in this brutal bloodshed.

Get back here, Gabriel! I swear, if I ever catch you-

Welcome to the 10th anniversary livestream of Honkai Impact 3rd! Here, we-


Hey, Gab, there's this new game coming out, by that Mihoyo company! It's called-



The prelude to Finality has only just begun.


Gabriel and Welt's room


I woke with a start, panting. Rushes of my memories flooded my brain, tangling themselves into a confusing mess. As I patted my head to clear it of all the thoughts, Welt began to stir to the chirping of the birds.

What was that?

My past? Unbelievable... Why is it all coming back to me now?

"Oh, you're already awake." Welt smiled as he yawned, getting up from his bed to head to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Yeah, it's a fine morning..."

Something's happening. I don't know what, but...

I feel that the Honkai is watching me.


"Ugh... it seems that the greatest enemy of humanity is time indeed."

"Sounds like someone hasn't enjoyed their vacation enough." Einstein teased Tesla, who was puffing her cheeks out due to her boredom.

"Of course! The month is already over, and we haven't even left the city yet! And I only just got a new driver's license!"

"Says the one who managed to get it revoked in the first place..." I muttered silently in the corner, but the lobster turned on me faster than an electrical signal.

"HUH!? What is that I hear?"

"Nothing! Nothing, really..."

"Anyways, let's go already! Hell, we could go anywhere! While you guys are dilly-dallying, I'm going to change my clothes!"

"Wait, driver's license? When-" Welt was shocked that are resident reckless driver has even managed to get her revoked license back.

"Similar to how you got your own passport, Welt. After a lot of inside work, if you catch my drift." Einstein explained.

Welt immediately facepalmed and sighed at the situation while Einstein turned on Tesla.

"Having said that, Dr. Tesla, we've been to the Royal Concert Hall, the Open Air Theatre, Oxford Street, Regent Street, watched the football at Stamford Bridge Stadium ... and visited the British Museum five times with Joachim..."

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