Saga Eins Act III Trailer

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January 31, 2000

Providence Industries HQ #1 - Kingdom

Manila, Phillipines

"Is everyone there yet?"

"I believe so."

"Do I need to do anything?"

"No, you just keep Jinni safe and the others away from the main disasters. Only we need to go fight."

Finn sighed. "I'm sorry I'm not much use when it comes to combat, but I'll do everything in my power to keep the archives safe. The other bases have responded and reported no anomalies. I'm pretty sure those in extreme environments would not have Honkai Beasts trespass in their territory..."

"Well, we have the necessary tools to keep any danger out of our bases, or in..."

"Are my students in position?" Reanna asked as she came over, gripping Liminal Spiral within her hands while she glanced at the communication screen. 

"I believe so. All evacuation pre-procedures are already underway in Oulu, Finland; Astana, Kazakhstan; and Novosibirsk, Russia. We will be enroute to the Tower of Babylon in 20 minutes, and we'll deploy the rest of our forces in Siberia. When the Seraphim Princes are defeated, move all forces from the three cities to Siberia to prevent any casualties."

"I'll relay that order to the Apocalypses in code. When the time comes, I'll tell them more in further clarity. That's what he wanted, right?"

"Yes..." Welt walked over to the Star of Eden's perfect reconstruction before he laid his hands on it, and fiddled with it a little before sighing. "Let's hope you can support me through this, old friend... ah, and of course, you must come along as well."

After taking the star and the flower with him, Welt glanced at Reanna, who nodded before gripping her lance and slotting it onto her back. And together, as the two strongest forces of Providence, walked on their path towards war.


February 1, 2000

Babylon Labs, Siberia Tundra

"Gabriel? Gabriel?"

Sirin ran through the facility after she discovered her newfound powers. Her astral shrouds wrapped around her limbs, now imbued with Honkai energy, causing her to leave a trail of crystalline dust wherever she went. When several guards suddenly came around the corner and confronted her, her expression changed from worry to utter anger in an instant.

"Hey! Hands up, right now, and stop moving, or we will shoot!" The soldiers raised their rifles, but when they clicked their gun, no bullets shot out. 

"Wretched vermin. Begone."

All of the bullets were suddenly dropped near Sirin's feet, and the soldiers could only let out a shocked exclamation before they were dragged into the abyss.

"No one gets between me and Gabriel. NO ONE."


Do you wish to protect her? 

An ominous voice spoke inside my head. I tried to turn around, but the darkness... no... the brightness, refused to allow any movement.

"Ugh... where is... this? Where is... Sirin?"

Being malnourished for 20 days and starving for 1 does not exactly help my situation. My mental state is deteriorating.... and its only getting worse with this voice in my head.

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