{18}- Reason & Alternation | Wish: Fate-Defying Miracle

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What is a wish?

Discount Amazon and Ebay? Possibly.

A desire or hope for something to happen. I suppose?

That's half correct.

A wish needs two steps: the desire and hope for something to happen...

...and the reason for giving that desire and hope meaning.

What exactly does that mean?

Well, if the will is what controls the universe...

...then perhaps the wish is what liberates the universe from that control?

Maybe not. After all, even the Tree and the Sea aren't complete enemies.

Science proved that.

Oh wait. Science can't prove miracles.

Since miracles are just illogical events beyond human reasoning.

But maybe that's the missing meaning and essence of the second part.

A wish... is just a fate-defying miracle.

That's just my guess.

What about you, Gabriel Tsun Ren Woo? What do you think?

And you..., Spectator?

What wish would you grant, should you have the chance?


1 AM EST, November 24, 1955

Edison, New Jersey

"The reactor power is rising abnormally!" Schrödinger exclaimed. "It's exceeded the critical point! The reaction is about to go out of control!"

"How could it suddenly-" Finn stared in disbelief while Edison took control.

"Everyone, into the shelter, quickly! Focus on saving yourself, and just run!"


"There's no time! Get out of here!" Edison yelled at Finn, who nodded before hastily taking off.


"W-Why are you here?" Schrödinger coughed, her eyes widening in surprise as Reanna's White Flower stabbed into her body.

"Shh... stay still. Soon, it'll all be over."


Half an hour later, in the hoodless luxury sports car...

"Hey, come on, say something?" Reanna had her smile back on. Honestly, this woman's smile is going to become more unsettling than morale-lifting. However, she's a good person, and she must be trying really hard to fight that internal battle right now. "I know you're a quiet and reserved person, but come on, this is so boring, no?"

"Why... did you save me?" Schrödinger croaked, her voice weak.

You enjoyed sucking all that energy out of her, no?

Oi, Ritsu, don't put it like that! It was to speed up the process and also lessen her burden! It's a win-win situation!

"Why? Seriously, it's because I can't just watch you do something stupid. Listen carefully, the Honkai Energy has been sealed onto your right arm by White Flower. Once this is all over, your friends will have plenty of time to cure you."

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