{3}- Reason & Adventure | Travel

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This is hell on earth.

That's some awfully visual description you're giving there, Welt. 

I never imagined the state of the second floor would be like this! I thought out of all people, the girls would be cleaner!

Prepare to be disappointed beyond your wildest imagination...

However, Welt wasn't exaggerating by any means. The pizza boxes formed a Jenga tower, while the amount of wasted paper piled up in amounts larger than the garbage chute I've seen outside. And...

Avert your eyes from the goddamn panties and bra, you dolt! Tesla's going to slap you when she sees you!

I'm not looking there! Why are you making me look there!

I'm not! Just go knock on the room!

Welt knocked on the door twice, and a click sound came from inside. Huh. She was this willing to open the door?

But when we noticed she didn't come out, Welt panicked and knew exactly what Tesla did.

"Oi! Don't lock the door! I didn't come up on purpose!"

"Hah?! Are you trying to say that you're sleepwalking then, Assistant Welt?!"

"No, no....well, Dr. Einstein told me to come and wake you up!"

"I wasn't even sleeping!" An annoyed grunt came from inside.

"Anyways, we're taking a flight to America right now, so-"

"Wait, wait, wait... where are we going?"

"America" Welt repeated.



"As in... the United States of America?"

"Yes! AND WHAT ELSE COULD IT POSSIBLY BE?  To the west side, specifically, Montana..."

"Are you crazy?"

"No! I don't know what's going on either! Finn gave Einstein a letter, and she got all serious, and  somebody said they found some sort of ancient game... who's name was, Sch... Schr... something."

Schrödinger, dumbass.

I forgot, okay?

"Schrödinger, ins't it?"

"Yes, yes! The person's called Schrödinger."

"Oh, dammit! That old Planck, trying to use her students as bait for that again..."


"You heard nothing! Forget about that!"


After Tesla muttered for a few more seconds, she abruptly opened the door, scaring Welt, causing him to almost fall onto the pizza boxes that were lying around the floor if it wasn't for me, who caught him and lifted him back up using my telekinesis.

"Why are you standing in front of the door? Move! Are you stupid?"

"Dr. Tesla! It's not summer outside!" Welt reminded her, but Tesla was confused.

"Hah? What are you talking about?" Seeing how Welt was nervous as usual, she disregarded the clear fact and simply tried to push him away.

"Y-You're still in your pyjamas!"


Incoming slap plus a yell of 'Pervert!', coming in 3-


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