{23}- Project Fini | Thou, Upon the Moon

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1956 was the year that everything began.

Be it Anti-Entropy's beginning, or Schicksal's next major plan... it was the start of an era of progress. In Spring, Tesla and Einstein awoke from their slumber, and took the news of the deceased surprisingly well. Well, it was 'surprisingly well' until they were surprised by the news of Edison's situation when Planck took them to see her. Then it was tears and sobs and hugs and everything in between.

According to Edison, who I've kept in contact with via letters, Schrödinger has failed to be located for the past year ever since she quantized after the excessive output from using Abyss Flower. Speaking of Abyss Flower, Schicksal has retrieved it, but there's no need to worry. I've perfected a copy of it, and even managed to upgrade it with some additional capabilities, allowing it to transcend into the PRI-ARM form that everyone knew back in my world: the Liminal Spiral.

With Abyss Flower and the Star of Eden in the possession of the two strongest personnel aside from myself, I could now safely say that our organization is capable of defending itself against future threats. I've only managed to get the basic structure of the Oath of Judah, given that Otto only used a simulated one in our fight. The information that I absorbed from the Void Archives copy that Otto summoned to passively protect him was transferred into Ritsu, who finished making a giant database for Finn to go through and translate, due to the fact that I couldn't exactly recreate Void Archives.

A key contender in the fight against Schicksal or any other forces, such as World Serpent, would require three major things: technology, manpower and connections, and finally, the Divine Keys. Technology can easily be produced via Welt and myself, while Finn can simply decipher the information present in the database Ritsu created. As for Divine Keys, there's not much I could do about it right now.

Void Archives is in Schicksal's possession. I suppose I could go to Thames River to make a copy of the Cosmic Juggernaut, but maybe it's too risky. If I break the imaginary space-time pocket around the Key, there's no guarantee I could fix it, since I do not possess powers over the Void. As for the Seven Thunders of Retribution, I will assume that it has already been claimed by World Serpent, and I'm not going to try and get my ass blown off by the railgun. The Restoration Satellite is in Schicksal's hands, given by our new scans of Earth's orbit, and so is the Great Hibernation, but I don't know where it is.

Abyss Flower is here with us, as a copy. So is the Star of Eden. I'm not going to try and infiltrate the Kaslana house for a trip to copy Shamash. Fenghuang Down has been successfully copied from Fu Hua, who wore it as a hairclip everywhere. I've yet to see any Xuanyuan Sword or its incarnations, so that's a bust. The Oath of Judah is probably confined deep in Schicksal, and Jizo Mitama has yet to be completed. The Key of Blankness also lies with Schicksal, so there's really not much to do about that on this front.

Divine Keys aside, we still have one last resort - communication and manpower. In order to get both, we need a lot of agents, undercover in many parts of the world, in different factions, be it opposing or friendly, as we can dispose of any we don't need or force them to obey if possible. However, the motley crew we have currently isn't exactly doing well.

Sure, we do have like, extreme powerhouses in various sectors, but like, we need a lot of regular people as well. Day-to-day workers, I mean. A good thing is that we've stationed our current HQ at Philippines. Anti-Entropy works in North America, while Schicksal has its major forces in Europe, with branches in South America and Asia, given that Fu Hua has connections in Shenzhou and Shub-Niggurath came from South America. Which means a good chunk of the Southern Asia should be fairly unoccupied by each of the factions, giving us a great place to start picking up people. In fact, the other day, Reanna brought back a girl she saved from a Honkai Beast.

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