{15}- Reason & Discovery | Dual Resolve

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Gabriel POV 

Thursday, November 24, 1955. 1 A.M. EST

"Oooooo... chilly." I exclaimed, letting out a puff of air that dissipated into the atmosphere.

The first quarter moon shone weakly above - standing beyond the glare of streetlights, where one wouldn't even be able to see the fingers of an outstretched hand towards the sky.

Holding a modified WS No. 88 wireless transceiver in one hand (aka a walkie-talkie), and a searchlight in another is Einstein. Currently, we stand on the streets of Boston after the North American branch's chauffeur dropped us off near our designated location.

139th Tremont Street. The entrance to the Boston park and the start of the Freedom Trail, as mentioned by Harmony Ayette. The century old memorial was apparently repaired 4 years ago. The new red tiles looked akin to coagulated blood, linking the turbulent era of revolutions with the present. 

Ritsu... copy? 

Yes, Master Gabriel. The previously conducted scan within a 100 meter radius showed no signs. Should I broaden the range to 10 km? 

I suppose. How long will this take? 

Approximately 50 seconds. 

Go ahead. 



Key signature detected. No events seems to be disturbed. The signal of the 9th Divine Key, Star of Eden, has been successfully captured. 

Is it still in its base form? 

I would suppose so, based on how our wavelengths were reflected. 


"This is the start. Did you detect anything, Ada?" Einstein asked as the hologram girl gave a response. The walkie-talkie's modifications were not completely able to project her image clearly, given her advancement in terms of technology.

"A weak Honkai Energy response was detected. The cipher text matches the previously obtained key. It's an audio recording of PE humans. All 348 units of the signal length has been received."

"Please translate it then."

"No problem, Dr. Einstein."


"If a person from the future civilization finds this recording... I want you to know the truth. The Honkai of this planet is born from civilization. As human civilization develops, so too does the Honkai grow in proportion. Every time the Honkai gave birth to a Herrscher, humanity only managed to defeat it after paying a great price. The Herrscher of Reason, The Herrscher of The Void, The Herrscher of Thunder, The Herrscher of Wind, The Herrscher of Ice, Creation and Destruction, Sentience and Earth, Domination and Binding... After more than 10 devastating incidents comparable to World Wars, almost 70% of the world's cities have been destroyed. But everything that happened in the past pales in comparison to what I am going to talk about."

"Do you know what he's speaking of, Ada?" Welt asked as I analyzed the message in my head. He knew full well that even if I know something, I can't just outright say it. He's catching on... slowly.

"I do not, unfortunately, Mr. Welt. There is no relevant information in my database. And speaking from when I first became self-aware, I did not experience it either."

"You may not know this... Welt... but when Ada was first discovered, she had not been activated yet. In other words... it was only after that we found her that she was 'born', so to speak." Tesla explained.

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