{26}- Project Destiny | Knight of Schicksal

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October 26, 1987 

Overseer's Sanctum - Schicksal HQ

"Lord Otto, I have the reports with me."

"Good. Set them aside there, Amber - and just summarize the important ones."

"I shall then. I have a letter from the House of Kaslana - the current matriarch of the family requested that her son be pardoned from his actions and that we recall our pursuing forces - as it is part of the ways of the Kaslana - they're bound, by that oath of theirs."

"...I will review it once more. The next generation's Kaslana is indispensable to our forces... we cannot simply allow him to roam free forever...next."

"The Floating Isles project has been submitted to the Board and is currently under review as to how the construction and funding should go about. Would you like to add anything onto the submission?"

"No... it's fine. Whether those geezers approve of it or not, it will be done in the end. Next."

"Um... there's a request unlike any other, sir. A young man has volunteered to be a Schicksal Knight and has demanded a position within our ranks. He boasts of fighting skills that will prove valuable... but we were unsure on how to sort him in when most men are usually put into general duties rather than on par with the Valkyries... after all, most Knights only stem from the Kaslana clan alone."

"Hmmm.... how was his Honkai Resistance? We can't have a headstrong warrior, if what he proclaims himself to be true, charging into battle and ending up as nothing more than a sacrificial lamb."

"That's the interesting part, Lord Otto - it was higher than even Siegfried Kaslana's results. His Honkai Resistance is almost on par with A-rank Valkyries."

"I see- wait, what?" Otto immediately turned around in his chair and set his wine down. "Is this true?"

"Of course, Lord Otto... I checked it out myself."

"Bring me to see this young man at once... I shall see for myself what he is made of."

Perhaps he could lead something new in Schicksal - another force under my command that could turn the tides against Anti-Entropy.


February 14, 1988

A City in Shenzhou 


Shouts came from below the roof where a green-haired boy sat, sipping away gracefully at a cup of green tea. He just recently visited the legendary Mount Taixuan and received some high quality tea herbs that went into his recent brew, but it seemed like the world did not exactly want him to enjoy his life.

"Chết tiệt..." 

The young man's name was Tuân Hùng Cabana, better known as Tam Wong, his alias. He's a construction worker in Vietnam - or at least, that's what it says on his 'legal' document. There was totally not bribery involved with the Vietnamese government.

In actuality, he's a top secret agent from the organization known as Providence, founded by... himself? He still has some trouble processing that. Regardless, he's the result of the first of the Eight Projects that their leader enacted over 30 years ago, and a clone of their leader Gabriel... who seems to have mysteriously disappeared since a year ago.

"I couldn't care less, honestly... but the original's disappearance still makes all of us worry. We can't help it." 

The other clones seemed to share this sentiment, but since the 1st Herrscher of Reason didn't seem to be all that bothered, which Tam figured out by just glancing at him a few times, he felt that everything was fine and the unease was all part of their devious original's plan. 

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