{20}- Reason & Keys | Gabriel & Welt Joyce vs Otto Apocalypse

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"Whew, that was not too bad."

I watched from a surveillance drone that was positioned on top of the pier, as 'Finn' was stabbed as his heart was ruptured and corroded by Black Abyss.

"I told you." I turned to Elias Nokianvirtanen, who watched the footage alongside me in my bunker. "You were going to die pretty gruesomely if you just simply waltzed out there without a plan."

"I can't believe that body double business worked..."

"Well, I did have to reconstruct an entire human. It wasn't exactly easy, even when I absorbed all the knowledge from Abyss Flower."

"So... what do you plan to do now?"

"Well, you know me... you're going to have to 'die'."

"I- what?"

"You think Otto's not going to hunt you down if he finds out he's been deceived? You're going to make all my hard work go to waste, you know."

"But... Joachim... how am I supposed to just leave my child on his own like this?! And Heinrich too... it's been a while since I..."

"That can wait. I can ensure your wife and son's safety, but that guarantee could only come if you decide to die right here."

"Wait, wait, wait....stop saying die, since I know you don't mean it. What do I have to do?"

"It's pretty simple, actually. Just vanish off the face of the Earth, assume a new identity, and I'll need to ascend your existence a little just like what Schrödinger is about to do to Einstein and Tesla."


"It's okay, there's plenty of time to think it over."

With that, I performed a soft yet precise chop to Finn's neck, rendering him unconscious.

"Just can't have you ruining my plan in case you decide against right now. Please don't decide against. I'm sure you won't, but I have to take all precautions here. You've have plenty of time to think it over when we forge our new path."

"Fighting a devil who's lived 500 years with the help of another is not exactly the easiest task."

"Now, Welt... let's see how well you can do, and how much of your training you remember."


The world in Otto Apocalypse's eyes was twisting and bending to an unnatural degree.

In the might of the Quasi Black Hole, a black void of nothingness with its ominous red outline, mortals could only gasp at this power.

He felt as if all of creation was being unraveled in front of him, as if he was being thrown into a giant agitator.

Past, present, and future... everything is blending together, coming to a halt.

Black holes.

He had read about them in one of Einstein's science papers. Generally, they're the result when a massive star, about 3 times the mass of the Sun or larger, collapses at the end of their life cycle. Their force of gravity is so large that nothing escapes, not even light. Eventually, everything that the star stood for is reduced a single dot with 3 simple parameters: mass, angular momentum, and electric charge. From the viewpoint of a faraway observer, being sucked in would be a slow process, due to the effects of time dilation.

In the area known as the event horizon, all finite processes are infinite.

As his consciousness broke apart, a signal from outside reached his mind.

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