{9}- Reason & Relaxation | Trials and Lessons

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Within the mindscape:

System Command: Execution Complete. Phase 5, Cleared.

"Huff... huff... haaaahh..."

Gabriel stood his ground as the expanded mindscape's light shone down on him, with seven imaginary Templars ready to charge at him.

Phase 6 Preparations Ready. Continue?

"Of course!"

As soon as the words of confirmation left his mouth, the seven Templars charged straight at him, giving him no time but to summon a giant energy shield to block their attacks.


Unable to withstand the sheer force of their lances, Gabriel was sent flying back. He flew a few meter's before he was suddenly pulled to the front of the Core of Reason, which hummed in response to his touch.

"No, I don't need your help yet." Gabriel said as he denied the aid of his greatest weapon. "Until I create my clone core, relying on you would only be a risky move."

Facing the Templars once again, Gabriel projected the image of the thing he wanted to create, and the imaginary particles began to form. "Bring it on, you lumps of silicon flesh!"


A giant fist covered Gabriel's own left hand, and it flew forward as Gabriel unleashed his punch, knocking out three Templars while the other four dodged, with their lances ready to pierce him.

"Oh shi- ugh!"

The four lances made contact, but did not impale him. A thin layer of pink energy separated the weapons from Gabriel's clothes, and he let out a smirk.

"That psionic skin is really coming in handy now... begone, you bastards!" Forming a gun, he let loose three explosive bullets that destroyed another three Templars.

The remaining Templar retreated just in time, dodging a bullet from Gabriel. Frustrated that he missed his mark, Gabriel stepped onto the mindscape's floor before positioning a slingshot onto the ground, and launched himself towards the beast.

While in flight, Gabriel shaped a spear out of imaginary matter once again, and thrust it forward in preparation to pierce the last remaining Templar.

"Got you now- heh?!"

Unbeknownst to him, the Templar suddenly absorbed the remaining Templar corpses that he just defeated, and now an Imperator stands before him.

"Oh, come on-"

Before he could finish, Gabriel was knocked away through the air, flying a few dozen feet before he landed beside the Core of Reason again.

"Dammit. Gotta use that, then."

The Core of Reason hummed, as if it's inhabitants were interested in seeing what he was going to do with it.

"No, not you. I meant my own upgrade."

[Clementine Squad Martial Arts - Imprint]

Forming two large hands out of the ground while covering his own in a thick layer of imaginary energy, Gabriel faced the Imperator without fear. A/N: If you have troubles with imagining how this works, Katakuri's Power Mochi is a good example.

"Get over here, you piece of-"


The Imperator charged forwards faster than the eye could perceive, but Gabriel's defense was ready. The two giant imaginary arms punched out with full force, knocking out the beast as they mimicked Gabriel's own movements.

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