{1}- Reason & Wish | Geniuses' Dorm

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3 years later

"Gabriel... are you sure this is safe? We're not heading towards are death, are we?"

"No, we are absolutely dying today."

"Ha?! Then should I unleash the powers of Reason?"

"No! You idiot! It's a joke! We're just getting transported. From what I've heard, I'm pretty sure we're being brought to some sort of alternate facility. It might be quite hidden, which is why they didn't want you to know the location - that's what the blindfold is for."

"Ooooohh...." WJ responded before letting out a sigh of relief. He's grown smarter over the years, and with my help, he managed to gather some power through his Herrscher Core, too. Not that Schicksal knew anything about it.

It feels weird, honestly, being in 1955 - where the world is old but technology seems so advanced in the labs - or maybe only the labs.

Throughout the three years, WJ and I survived the trials and tests ran on us by Schicksal. They didn't do much, to be honest. And if WJ gets hurt too badly, I can just heal him. Oh yeah, it turns out I'm a Honkai apparition - in human terms, I'm a Pseudo-Herrscher of sorts.

It seems that after I blew myself up, my soul was integrated into the Core of Reason, and eventually manifesting into WJ's mind as a dyad soul. I didn't have the resources to create a body as WJ used most of his powers to form his core back then, so I'm kind of attaching myself to his body as a parasite, which has a lot of uses.

First of all - I can emerge from WJ's body and only he could see me (and possibly other Honkai beasts, but we've never faced one). This allows me to roam around like a spectre but I have a limited range of 20 meters from WJ. I used this ability to gather information while in the labs, learned lots of Honkai theory through books that I read alongside WJ, and many more.

Secondly, I noticed that due to being a pure Honkai being - not a Herrscher as they were once human, I am able to assimilate many forms of Honkai Energy. This allowed me to better understand Honkai itself, and you guessed it - use the powers of a beast or a Herrscher.

Of course, the core is still WJ's, so I don't have complete access to it. But when I am in control of the body, I could generate matter out of thin air just like how the Welts did in the stories.

I told WJ my real name and explained partially regarding the civil war in my homeworld, making him believe my country was probably destroyed at this point. This allowed us to bond further, and now we're practically best buds. I mean, how could you not when you both literally share the same body?

There's also Otto - who tried sent letters to us as Clown α, but I knew who he was, so I told WJ to be on guard against him, just in case he decides to pull a fast one on us. The letters weren't all that important, but I remembered most of the stuff written in there anyways.

A screech cut our conversation short, and WJ jumped back into his body. "I think we stopped, Gabriel."

"Yeah, we did. I'm going dark to avoid suspicion, so don't talk to me. Unless you are in serious danger, I'll switch out and help you."


I then emerged as an apparition, gazing down on the men in black in the car while they got out. Despite being an apparition, I could still have human senses, which is how I noticed that the cold air was tainted with the pungent smell of smoke.

WJ sneezed as he prepared to get out, which was understandable. His hands searched for the door handle as he was blindfolded, so he reach out to the right, earning an annoyed remark from a man in black. "It's on the left. Left!"

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